The combination, with motor having
an annular ring-shaped field magnet and a
2c cylindrical equivalent armature, and inde
pendent coils the field-magnetor armature,
or both, alternating-current generator
having correspondingly independent coils,
and circuits including the generator coils and
2j corresponding motor coilsin such mannerthat
the rotation the generator causes pro
gressive shifting the poles the motor in
the manner set forth.
2. system for the electrical transmis
sion power, the combination the follow- 30
ing Instrumentalities, wit: motor com
posed disk its equivalent mounted
within ring annular field-magnet, which
is provided with magnetizing-eoils connected
in diametrically-opposite pairs groups 35
independent terminals, generator having in
duced coils groups coils equal number
to the pairs groups motor-coils, and cir
cuits connecting the terminals said coils to
the terminals the motor, respectively, and 40
in such order that the rotation the gener
ator and the consequent production alter
nating currents the respective circuits pro
duces progressive shifting the poles the
motor, hereinbefore described.
circuits connected independently corre
sponding circuits the motor, whereby ro
tation the generator produces progressive
shifting the poles the motor, herein
5 described. system for the electrical transmis
sion power, the combination motor pro
vided with two more independent magnet-
izing-coils and alternating-current gener-
io ator containing induced coils corresponding to
the motor-coils, and circuits connecting di
rectly the motor and generator eoils such
order that the currents developed the gen
erator will passed through the correspond-
15 ing motor-coils, and thereby produce pro
gressive shifting the poles the motor, as
herein set forth.
Frank Hartley,
Frank Murphy.