Leonard Curtis,
A. The method herein described produc
ing arbitrarily varied intermitted electrical
disturbances effects, transmitting such
disturbances effects through the natural
15 media distant receiving-station, estab
lishing thereby flow electrical energy in
a circuit such station, charging con
denser with energy from such circuit, and
using the accumulated potential energy so
20 obtained operate receiving device. The method hereinbefore described of
transmitting signals intelligence -from a
sending distant receiving station, which 85
consists producing the former, arbitra
rily varied intermitted electrical disturb
ances effects, transmitting the same the
receiving-station, charging the energy de
rived from such disturbances effects the 90
receiving-station condenser, and using for
periods time predetermined succes
sion and duration, the potential energy so
obtained operate receiving device, set
forth. The method hereinbefore described of
transmitting signals intelligence, which 60
consists producing the sending-station
arbitrarily varied intermitted disturbances
or effects, transmitting such disturbances
or effects through the natural media re
ceiving-station, utilizing energy derived from 65
such disturbances effects the receiving-
station charge condenser and using the
accumulated potential energy obtained to
operate receiving device.685,963 O
electrical disturbances effects, transmit
ting such disturbances effects through
the natural media distant receiving-sta
tion, storing condenser energy derived
S from succession such disturbances ef
fects for periods time which correspond in
succession such effects disturbances and
are predetermined duration, and using
the accumulated potential energy obtained
io operate receiving device. The method herein described produc
ing arbitrarily varied intermitted electrical
disturbances effects, transmitting such
disturbances effects through the natural
25 media distant receiving-station, estab
lishing thereby flow electrical energy in
a circuit such station, charging con
denser with electrical energy from such cir
cuit, and discharging the accumulated poten-
30 tial energy obtained into through re
ceiving device arbitrary intervals time.
45 The method herein described produc
ing arbitrarily varied intermitted electrical
disturbances effects, transmitting such
disturbances effects through the natural
media distant receiving-station, estab-
50 lishing thereby flow electrical energy in
a circuit such station, selecting direct
ing the impulses said circuit ren
der them suitable for charging condenser,
charging condenser with the impulses so
selected directed, and discharging the ac- 55
cumulated potential energy obtained into,
or through receiving device arbitrary in
tervals time. The method hereinbefore described 70
transmitting signals intelligence through
the natural media from sending-station to
a receiving-station, which consists produc
ing the sending-station, arbitrarily varied
or intermitted electrical effects disturb- 75
ances, transmitting the same through the nat
ural media the receiving-station, utilizing
the energy derived from such disturbances or
effects the receiving-station charge a
condenser, and discharging the accumulated 80
potential energy obtained through re
ceiving device arbitrary intervals time.
9. The method herein described produc
ing arbitrarily varied intermitted electrical
disturbances effects, transmitting such
35 disturbances effects distant receiving-
station, establishing thereby flow elec
trical energy circuit such station, se
lecting directing the impulses said cir
cuit render them suitable for eharg-
40 ing condenser, charging condenser with
the impulses selected directed, and dis
charging the accumulated potential energy
so obtained into, through receiving de
6. Skinner.