My invention, will understood, does
not primarily contemplate the saving en
ergy, but aims the attainment dis- 95
tinctly novel and valuable result—that is, the
increase the greatest practicable degree of
the intensity and duration.66,980. 685,012, dated October 22,1001. order, therefore, to
intensify the impulses oscillations excited
35 the circuit—in other words, produce the
greatest rise current electrical pressure
in the same—it desirable make its in
tiuctauce aslarge and its resistance small as
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
The best and most convenient manner of
In many scientific and practical uses of
electrical impulses oscillations—as, for ex
ample, systemsof transmitting intelligence
to distant points—it great importance to
iS intensify much possible tne current im
pulses vibrations which are produced in
the circuits the transmitting and receiv
ing instruments, particularly the latter. BotialHo.
Now have discovered that when circuit
adapted vibrate freely maintained a
low temperature the osciLlations excited in
the same are extraordinary degree mag- 75
nified and prolonged, and thus enabled
to produce many valuable results which have
heretofore been wholly impracticable.
Application,filed Hatch 21, lflOO.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. For the attain
ment the best result necessary that
the periods the impressed should the
same that the free oscillations, under
which conditions the intensity the latter is
3c greatest and chiefly dependent the induc
tance and resistance the circuit, being di
rectly proportionate the former and in
versely the latter.of its physical constants and
the relation the periods the impressed
[5 and the free oscillations. Having this end view have
40 devised and ušed conductors special forms
and relatively very large cross-section; but
I have found that limitations exist regard
to the increase the inductance well to
the diminution the resistance. (Komodel.
It well known that when electrical im-
20 pulses are impressed upon circuit adapted
to oscillate freely the intensity the oscilla
tions developed the same dependent on
the magnitude.nited States Patent Office.
Briefly stated, then, invention consists
in producing great increase the intensity 80
and duration the oscillations excited a
freely-vibrating resonating circuitby main
taining the same low temperature.)
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, citi
zen the United States, residing the bor
ough Manhattan, the city, county, and
5 State New York, have invented certain new
and useful Improvements Means for In
creasing the Intensity Electrical Oscilla
tions, which the following isa specification,,
reference being had the drawings accom-
io panying and forming part the same.
It may usefully applied all cases when
this special object sought, but oifers ex- 100
ceptional advantages those instances in
which the freely-oscillating discharges a
condenser are utilized.' EenowoSInly 3,1901.
It well-established fact that the tem
perature metallic conductor rises its elec
trical resistance increases, and recognition
of this constructors commercial electrical 65
apparatus have heretofore resorted many
expedients for preventing the coils and other
parts the same from becoming heated when
in use, but merely with view economiz
ing energy and reducing the cost construe- 70
tion and operation the apparatus. This will
45 understood when borne mind that
the resonant rise curt-ent pressure in
a freely -oscillating circuit proportionate
to the frequency the impulses and that a
large inductance general involves slow
50 vibration.
Ordinarily commercial apparatus such
provision made only with the object pre- 85
venting wasteful heating, and any event
its influence upon the intensity the'oseilla-
tions very slight and practically negligible, .
for rule impulses arbitrary frequency
are impressed upon circuit, irrespective 90
its own free vibrations, and resonant rise is
expressly avoided. the other hand, increase of
the section the conductor with the object
of reducing its resistance is, beyond certain
limit, little value, principally because
electrical oscillations, particularly those of
high frequency, pass mainly through the su- 55
perficial conducting layers, and while is
true that this drawback may overcome in
a measure the employment thin ribbons,
tubes, orstranded cables, yet practice other
disadvantages arise, which often more than 60
offset the gain.of free oscillations