The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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With view improving the ap- 80 paratus these particulars devised forms in which the receptacle was stationary and the interior terminal conductor rotated, and by this means reduced the mass and weight of the moving parts. This apparatus, while effective high degree and possessing many advantages over previously-existing forms, is nevertheless subject certain limitations as to efficiency, having regard the speed 75 which the receptacle rotated, for not only may undue loss energy result from ro­ tating the receptacle, but also from the un- necessarily-rapid movement the conduct­ ing fluid. also employed de* 85 vice the nature pump, which formed a part the circuit-controller proper and was operated the motor used for rotating the conductor, and thus maintained flow of conducting fluid from ducts the receptacle 90 against the rotating conductor with greater speed than required for efficient operation. the forms such apparatus which have pro- 30 duced least one the terminals con­ ducting fluid, while the other usually solid conductor series conductors, both being preferably inclosed gas-tight receptacle and brought rotary movement into rap- 35 idly intermittent contact. 671,897, 40 filed February 28, 1898. Serial Ho. N Y. Within this receptacle is mounted body the rotation which re- 65 tarded prevented and which carries tube or duct which takes conducting fluid from the receptacle when the latter rotated and directs the said fluid against conductor or series spaced conductors carried the 70 rotating receptacle. The invention, subject present ap­ plication, pertains apparatus this class and involves certain improvements the construction and mode operation the 45 same which have primarily for their object to secure greater relative speed between the two terminals, whereby the periods make- and-break, during which occurs the chief loss of energy, may materially shortened and 50 also higher frequency current impulses secured. By such apparatus not only possible to secure higher relative speed between the two terminals, but this with smaller 95 expenditure mechanical energy.!) To all whom concern: Be known that resid­ ing New York, the county and State of New York, have invented certain néw and 5 useful Improvements Electrical-Circuit Controllers, which the following speci­ fication, reference being had the drawings accompanying and forming part the same. SPECIFICATION form ing part Letters atent No. Obviously various means may employed for rotating the conductors, or, general, the two essential parts which their movement . 60 In some forms the circuit controllers heretofore described employ closed receptacle capable being maintained in rapid rotation. Application filed April 19, 1898. 678,127. brief consideration the forms of circuit-controller ofthis general kind which I have heretofore shown and described will conduce better understandingof the prin­ ciples followed the construction the ap- 55 paratus upon which present application is based and the primary object which I have view—to increase the relative speed of the two terminals approaching and re­ ceding from each other. still further increase the relative speed the terminals, now provide for rotating each of the terminals with respect the other, so that the rate mutual contact verygreatly 100 increased. ELECTRIC-CIRCUIT CONTROLLER.nited States Patent Office. 660,518, filed December 1897; Serial No. io the electrical system combination of apparatus for the conversion electrical en­ ergy means the discharges condenser invented and heretofore described the means employed for making and breaking the 15 electric circuit, though performing subor­ dinate function, may from the peculiar con­ ditions which exist become highly important consideration, not only regards their prac­ ticability and durability, but also the econ- 20 omy the operation the system appa­ ratus. have shown and described typical forms such circuit-con­ trollers applications Serial No. (Nomodel. 613,735, dated Novem ber 1898. such importance this consider­ ation that for the mostefficient and reliable op­ eration said system have found nec­ essary devise special appliances for mak- 25 ing and breaking the circuit which differ ma­ terially construction and mode opera­ tion from any previously-existing devices of this character which aware. 639,227, filed June 1897, and Serial No