N Y.
Any convenient means may employed
to rotate the receptacle; but simple way to
effect this surround the same with a
field-magnet and make the receptacle
itself the armature electric motor 80
else secure armature-cores, H. The chief distinguishing fea
tures these devices are the use con
ducting fluid for one both the terminals
under conditions which permit ofa very rapid
succession makes and breaks and con-
20 struction arrangement which allows the
inclosing the terminals air-tight re
ceptacle which inert, medium may be
maintained. 609,249, dated August 16, 1898. Arms are also secured the body I
and are formed with carry their ends 95
ducts tubes with one end directed to
ward and opening upon the vanes and the
other end close the inner wall the re
ceptacle and opening the direction oppo
site that the rotation the receptacle. The weight the body being 85
;eccentric this axis tends oppose its turn
ing about the axis when the receptacle ro
In the drawing hereto annexed have illus- 55
trated the preferred form apparatus which
I have devised for carrying out these improve
ments. The figure central vertical cross-
section circuit-controller. 100
A suitable quantity mercury placed
in the receptacle before the latter sealed or
closed. disk, form vanes
N. (H
To all whom may concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, the
borough ofManhattan,in the city, county,and
State New York,have invented certain new
S and useful Improvements Electrical-Cir
cuit Controllers, which the following a
specification, reference being had the draw
ing accompanying and forming part the
A body supported trunnions hav
ing bearings the ends the receptacle
and concentric with the axis rotation of
the same. SerialH
o, 673,560.
The operation the device follows:
Upon the body support but insulated
therefrom, secured, vertical standard 90
in which there freely-rotatable spindle L,
carrying disk with radial arms inclined
to the plane the.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.United States Patent Office.
arch 12,1898.
In the particular form device under con- 65
sideration the receptacle divided into two
parts insulated washer and held to
gether insulated bolts with nuts F. For example, order effect rap-
idly-intermittent contact between two termi
nals the use jet jets closed re-
30 ceptacle obviously necessary employ
special means which will operate hold one
part the apparatus stationary while the
other rotates rotate both the essential
parts terminals opposite directions orj
35 the case may be, the same direction at
different speeds. 660,518. efforts meet the practi
cal requirements apparatus this kind
25 harre led adopt expedients and in
vent mechanisms entirely novel such de
A designates receptacle, usually iron 60
or steel and mounted any suitable manner,
as trunnions having bearings in
standards capable rapid
rotation about horizontal axis.
These two parts are electrically connected,
respectively, with the two terminals the 70
apparatus, hereinafter described, and by
means brushes bearing any suit
able points the two parts the receptacle,
the circuit-controller connected with the
wires circuit.
The present invention embodied de
vice for securing the proper relative move
ment the two parts terminals the cir-
40 cuit-controller and involves two salient fea
tures novelty, onethat provides for main
taining rotating receptacle stationary
jet jets which impinging rigid con
ductor maintain the latter rotation, there-
45 securingthe requisite rapidly-intermittent
contact between the two, and the other that it
utilizes the rotation such rigid conductor
as means for opposing preventing the
movement its own supports the direc-
50 tion rotation the receptacle, thereby se
curing, among other things,an approximately
constant relative movement between the
parts, feature which devices this kind
is often very desirable.
io The present application based upon im
provements electrical-circuit controllers of
the kind heretofore invented and de
scribed previous applications, notably in
an application filed December 1897, Serial
15 No