50 forming that portion the disk Mwith
which the jet makes contact trough,
which will retain when rotation portion
of the fluid directed against it, very useful
feature secured.
M. The combination the receptacle, the
conducting-dislc secured within it, the insu- c
lated disk with peripheral projections and
the .
W hat claim is—
1. The fluid under the ac-
55 tion centrifugal force accumulates and
is distributed along the trough and forms a
layer over the surface upon which the jet im
3. circuit-controller, the combination 100
with rotary conductor forming one termi
nal, and means for directing- intermittently
against such terminal jet stream fluid
in electrical connection with the other termi
nal, the part said rotary conductor upon 105
which the jet stream impingesbeing formed
during the rotation the receptacle.
To the under side the disk secured
a second disk having downwardly-inclined
peripheral projections insulating and
20 preferably refractory material, circle con
centric with the disk M.
4. The combination the receptacle, the
conducting-disk with peripheral trough-
shaped flange, the insulated disk with periph
eral projections and the stationary tube or
duct for directing stream jet conduct- 120
ing fluid into the trough-shaped flange the
conducting-disk and across the path the
projections set forth. awson er,
G. electrical-circuit controller, the
combination with rigid terminal, means
for directing against such terminal jet or
stream conducting fluid electrical con
nection with the other terminal, and body 80
adapted intermittently moved through
and intercept the jet stream, setforth. 115
7.as retain, centrifugal force, portion
of the fluid directed against it, set-forth.
The principle interrupting the circuit by
intermittently passing insulator through
a fluid conductor maybe carried out many
specifleally-different forms apparatus, and
in this respect not limit myself the 65
particular form herein shown.
A tube duct mounted the spindle
H the weight and arranged that the
orifice one end directed outwardly toward
25 the trough the disk while the other lies
close the inner peripheral wall the re
ceptacle, that quantity mercury or
other conducting fluid placed the recep
tacle and the latter rotated the tube duct
30 being held stationary, will take the fluid
which carried centrifugal action the
side ofthe receptacle and deliver stream
or jet against the trough flange the disk
M against the inner surfaces the projec-
35 tions disk the case may be. the
particular arrangement here shown for this
purpose weight weighted arm secured
to the spindle and eccentrically the axis
5 the latter, and the bearing for the spin
dle holds the same angle the ver-
tical this weight gravity hold the
spindle stationary.
Obviously, since the two disks and ro
tate with respect the jet stream fluid
issuing from the duct the electrical con
nection between the receptacle and the disk
40 through the fluid will completed the
jet when the latter passes the disk be
tween the projections and will inter
rupted whenever the jet intercepted the
said projections.stationary tube duct for directing a
stream jet conducting fluid toward the
conducting-disk and across the path the
projections set forth. this means very perfect con
tact always secured and all deterioration
60 the terminal surfaces avoided. Martling.
45 The rapidity and the relative duration of
the makes and breaks determined the
speed rotation the receptacle and the
number and width the intercepting projec
tions O. electrical-circuit controller, the
combination with rigid terminal, means
for directing against such terminal jet 85
stream conducting fluid electrical con
nection with the other terminal, body hav
ing series radial projections and means
for rotating the same that the said projec
tions will intermittently intercept the stream 90
or jet, set forth.
Secured the top cover the recepta-
io cle stud which passes through an
insulating-bushing said cover and held
by nut circular disk conduct
ing material, preferably iron steel, having
its edge turned downwardly and then in-
15 wardly provide peripheral trough the
under side the disk.
5. electrical-circuit controller, the
combination with conductor forming one of
the terminals, means for maintaining jet 70
or stream conducting fluid form ing the
other terminal, and directing against said
conductor, and body adapted inter
mittently moved through and intercept the
jet stream, set forth. circuit-controller, the combination
with rotary conductor forming one termi
nal, means for directing against such termi
nal jet stream conducting fluid elec- 95
trical connection with the other terminal, and
a body with spaced projections mounted to
rotate path that intercepts the jet or
stream fluid, set forth. 75