have illustrated modified form of
40 commutator for this apparatus, which com
prises disk metal, but insulated from
its shaft.
2. brush bears upon con
tinuous metallic portion the disk upon a
continuous ring electrical connection with
50 the segments/' and connected with one ter
minal the primary Brushes bear
upon the periphery the disk and are con
nected the main through the two con
densers, respectively. The combination with source elec
tric energy, motive device, two condens- 90
ers, circuit-controller adapted direct the
energy the source alternately into the said
condensers, and discharge-circuit through
which, the operation said circuit-con
troller one condenser discharges while the 95
other being charged, set forth.
The operation the apparatus thus de-
S scribed follows: the rotation the
commutator the brush caused pass
over the projections closing the circuits
through the primary and the two condens
ers alternately.
M. The combination with source elec
tric energy, plurality condensers and
a discharge-circuit therefor, motive device
and circuit-controller operated thereby and
adapted direct the energy the source 85
into the condensers and connect them with
the discharge-circuit successively and al
ternation, set forth. The
capability vaiying the relations the 65
brushes, however, which this form possesses
has the advantage permitting not only an
alternate charging and discharge the con
densers, but their simultaneous charging and
discharge multiple arc, whereby the fre- 70
quency the current discharge reduced.
Thus without increasing the size power of
35 the motive device complicating any ma
terial degree the commutator these devices are
made perform double duty and the output
of the apparatus whole greatly increased.
What claim is— So
1. The periphery this disk di
vided into conducting and insulated segments
by the insertion therein insulated metal
45 blocks The circumferential width these
blocks three times that the conducting-
segments /'. the same
time the condenser short-circuited
through the brush G', brush II, and coil K,
and discharges through this circuit the en-
2o ergy stored it, the discharge being the
form series impulses which induce
in the secondary corresponding impulses
of high potential.577,370
that tlie inductive discharge the accumu
lated energy therein may taken advantage
of charging the condensers. When brush breaks the
circuit through coil O', the high-potential dis-
25 charge kick” from the latter rushes into
and recharges the condenser N', but soon
as the brush has passed over the interven
ing block and reached the next segment d
it closes the circuit through coil and short-
30 circuits the condenser that high-fre
quency currents from either one the other
of the two condensers are flowing through the
primary practically without interruption. When said brush is
in electrical connection with any projection
(V from the part c', the circuit closed be
tween mains and through coil O', brush
15 O', brush and coil Energy there
fore accumulated the coil O'.
It also evident that all phase differences
in the charging and discharging the con
densers may like manner secured and
the frequency vraried within wide limits. These two circuits are soad-
io justed have the same capacity, self-in
duction, and resistance.
course the same motor and circuit-controller
might made charge more than two con
densers succession and discharge them
in the same order. These brushes are ea-
pableof angularadjustment, sothat they may 55
be set bear upon the disk any two de
sired oints.
From the explanation the operation al
ready given evident that when the two
brushes are set that one leaves seg- 60
m t/' the instant that the other comes
in contact with segment the effect in
charging and discharging the condensers is
the same the previous instance. Lawson ,
Drury Cooper