similar disk spindle cl, in
face the first, mounted bearing in
the end the box with capability ro- 55
tary adjustment. 1
and and having segments rotating syn
chronism with the alternations the current
source, preferably, above described, by
being mounted the shaft the generator
io when the conditions permit. The ends the projec
tions cl' are deeply serrated several pins or
narrow projections placed side side, as
shown Fig. that those the oppo
site disks pass each other rapid succession 60
of sparks will pass from the projections one
disk those the other.
. The plugs
K are then adjusted radially, ap
proach more less the path the outer
edges the segmental disk, and that dur
ing the passage each segment front of
15 plug spark will pass between them, which
completes the secondary circuit The box
or the support for the plugs adjusted an
gularly, bring the plugs and segments
into proximit-y the desired instants with
20 reference any phase the current-wave
in the secondary circuit aud fixed posi
tion any proper manner. 4
and The box case these figures is
fixedly secured the frame bearing the
generator motor which rotates the circuit-
controller synchronism with the alternat-
50 ing source. The combination with source alter- 75
nating curx’ent, condenser adapted be
chai’ged thereby, circuit into which the con
denser discharges series rapid im
pulses, and circuit-controller for effecting
the charging and discharge said condenser, 86
composed conductors movable into and out
of proximity with each other synchronism
with the alternations the source,as setforth.
3. The ends the secondary cir
cuit are connected the terminal plugs K
5 apparatus similar that Figs. 65
thereby, circuit into which the condenser
discharges series rapid impulses, and
a circuit-controller for effecting the charging
and discharge said condenser, composed of
conductors movable into and outof proximity 70
with each other, whereby spark may be
maintained between them and the circuit
closed thereby during determined intervals,
as set forth.
tlie potential which raised trans
former, which the primary and the
secondary. the plugs
K are also connected the terminals con
denser condensers that the instant
25 the rupture the secondary circuit by
the cessation the sparks the energy accu
mulated such circuit will rush into and
charge the condenser. edge parallel with the axis the
M. circuit-controller for systems the
kind desci'ibed, comprising combination 85
pair angixlaxiy-adjustable terminals and
two more rotating conductors mounted to
pass proximity the said terminals, as
set fox’th.
W hat claim invention is—
1. Lawson yer,
D rury Cooper.
By means this apparatus effects a
40 novelandusefulcharaeterareobtainable,but
to still further increase the efficiency the
discharge working current have some
instances provided means for further bx’eak-
ing the individual sparks themselves.
2. A
45 device for this purpose shown Figs. The combination with source cur
rent, condenser adapted charged.
4. circixit-controller for systems the 90
kind described, comprising combinatioxx
two sets conductox’s, one capable rota
tion and the other angular adjustment
whex’eby they may bx’ought into and out of
proximity each other,at determinate points, 95
and one both being subdivided pi’e-
sent group conducting-points,as setforth. Within said box disk fixed
to the shaft with projections extending
from its. path low self-
induction and resistance, includinga primary
30 few turns, provided receive the
discharge the condenser, when the circuit
S again completed the passage sparks,
the discharge being manifested succes
sion extremely rapid impulses. The po-
35 tential these impulses may raised a
secondary which constitutes the source of
current for the working circuit that con
taining the devices for utilizing the current