The apparatus for producing electrical
s currents very high frequency which
is embodied the invention present
application involves its chief element
tS means for the periodic charging acondensef
or circuit possessing capacity the energy
l given source and the discharge the
| same through circuit low self-induction,
j whereby the rapid succession impulses
; characteristic condenser discharge under
Í such circumstances made available for
j many practical and useful purposes.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. therefore provide, 55
in case alternating equivalent electro
motive force employed the source of
supply, circuit-controller wdiich will inter
rupt the charging-circuit instants prede
termined with reference the variations 6c
potential therein. ’Serial H
o, 598,130, (H
, all whom concern:
I known that Nikola Tesla, citizen-
j the United States, residing New York,
! the county and State New York, have iri-
i vented certain new and useful Improvements
j Methods and Apparatus for Producing
j Currents High Frequency, which the fol-
I lowing specification, reference being had
; the drawings accompanying and forming
•io part the same.
SPECIFICATION form ing art etters atent No.
When the potential the source periodic
ally rises and falls, whether- with reversals
or not immaterial, essential eco-
50 nominal operation that the intervals inter
ruption the charging-current should bear
a definite time relation the period the
current, order that the effective potential
of the impulses charging the condenser may
be high possible.
With the parts thus arranged the secondary
circuit completed through the coils the
motor whenever the two brushes rest upon
the uninsulated segments the disk and in
terrupted through the motor other times. have shown, however, the
application referred the source sup
ply continuous -current generator, in
general source direct currents, and while
the principle operation and the general
40 character the apparatus remain the same
■whether the current the source direct
or alternating, yet the economical utilization
ofthe latter involves certain special principles
and9appliances which present object
45 illustrate the basis for the claims in
vention made herein. This
apparatus, which may considered typi- 70
cal the means employed for carrying out
the invention, have illustrated the ac
companying drawings. any
point where desired produce the high- 80
frequency currents branch circuit Bis taken——
off from the mains, and order raise the
potential the current transformer em
ployed, represented the primary and
secondary The circuit the secondary 85
includes the energizing-coils synchro
nous motor and circuit-controller, which,
in the present instance, Fig.
Referring Figure designates any
source alternating equivalent current,
from which lead off mains A'. shown as
composed metal disk with insulated ,
segments its periphery and fixed the 90
shaft the motor.nited States Patent Office. 568,179, dated September 22, 1896. 588,534, comprising local
circuit high self-induction connected with
a source supply, condenser, discharge-
30 circuit low self-induction, and circuit-
controller operating alternately effect the
charging the condenser the energy
stored the circuit high self-induction
and its discharge through that low7self-
35 induction. Applicationfiled July 6,1896.
The figures are diagrammatic illustrations
of the system slightly-modified forms, and 75
vdll described detail their order. 100
Such motor, properly constructed, well-
understood ways, maintains very exact syn
chronism with the alterations the source,
and the arm may therefore adjusted to
■j The general arrangement circuits and
j! apparatus which prefer for ordinary appli-
j cations this invention have shown and de-
! scribed application filed meApril 22,
1896,Serial No.
. The most practicable
means for accomplishing this 'which am
aware employ synchronous motor con
nected with the source supply and operat
ing circuit-controller which interrupts the 65
charging-current about the instant of
highest potential each wave and permits
the condenser discharge the energy stored
in through its appropriate circuit. insulating-arm G,
stationary with respect the motor-shaft
and adjustable with reference the poles of
the fixed magnets, carries two brushes H,
which bear upon the periphery the disk