June 17,1896. 85
In this case employ jar receptacle A
which preferably used also one terminal
and filled with conducting liquid, before. Within this re
ceptacle smaller jar vessel insu
lating material, containing conducting-elec
trode supported the cover through
which passes suitable terminal which 60
maybe incased insulating-plug The
spaces within the jars orreceptacles are nearly
filled with conducting liquid such a
saline solution, the two bodies such liquid
in the inner and outer receptacles constitut- 65
ing the condenser-armatures.
15 patent granted December 1891,
No. such in
stances, order secure the substantial
benefits the improvement above described,
I construct the instrument shown Fig. Such condensers are es
pecially advantageous when used with cir
cuits great rates electrical vibration be
cause the high conducting capacity such
fluids for currents this character.
SPECIFICATION form ing part Tetters atent No. part vertical sec
tion modified form such condenser. There
40 is, however, general advantage derived
from the fact that the conducting fluids have
a high specific heat, that the temperature
remains constant, condition many cases
highly advantageous and not met with in
45 condensers ordinary construction. 590,928, (H
To all whom concern:
Be known that ikola Tesla, citizen
of the United States, residing New York,
in the county and State New York, have
5 invented certain new and useful Improve-
ments Electrical Condensers, which the
following specification, reference being-
had the drawings accompanying and form
ing part the same,
io has heretofore been announced and dem
onstrated that, under ordinary condi
tions, the efficiencyof electrical condenser
is greatly increased the exclusion air or
gaseous matter general from the dielectric. SerialN
According present invention em
ploy electrolyte, or, general, conduct
ing liquid lieu solid, the material
for the armatures the condenser, under
30 conditions more fully hereinafter described,
whereby air gas will practically pre
vented from exercising upon the condenser
or the more active portions the same the
detrimental effects present such devices as
35 heretofore made.nited States Patent Office.
W hat claim is—
In the accompanying drawings, annexed
in illustration the manner which im
provement maybe carried into practice,
Figure view, partly vertical section,
50 condenserconstructed accordance with
the invention. The ter- 70
minals for the two armatures may pro
vided various ways, but such foi’ms of
condenser that illustrated prefer util
ize the conducting portion the outer recep
tacle one terminal, securing binding-post 75
to the same, and employ elec
trode suitably-extended surface im
mersed the liquid the inner receptacle
and electrical connectionwith the binding-
post desirable some cases mod- 80
ify the construction the condenser, when
a larger capacity required. Above the
conducting solution each the receptacles
is poured layer oil other insulating
liquid, which serves prevent access air
to the highly-charged armatures.
My present invention, while based upon
this important feature the practically com
plete exclusion air gas from the dielec
tric, improvement the forms con-
25 denser heretofore described and used me.
A designates jar receptacle partly or
wholly conducting material and provided
with closely-fitting cap cover prefer- 55
ably insulating material. 567,818, dated September . Fig. While have illus
trated the invention its preferred form for
general practical purposes, will under- 100
stood that, without departure from the inven
tion its construction may greatly varied
and modified.
Into the latter extends series connected
conductors inclosed and fully insulated 90
from the liquid coating such material
as gutta-percha These conductors are
electrically joined terminal which ex
tends through the cover and constitute
one the armatures the condenser. 95
the surface the electrolyte conducting
liquid poured quantity oil for the
purpose above stated. 464,667, have shown and described a
convenient and practicable means accom
plishing this result immersing the con
ducting-plates armatures thecondenser
20 insulating fluidy such oil