The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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The combination alternating cur­ rent motor with rotary armature mag­ netic poles, and coils adapted connected with the external circuit surrounding the 45 same, the said cores being constructed dif­ ferent size material whereby their mag­ netic phase will differ time set forth. 6. Monro, A. time difference electrical phase, while the present case due differ­ ence magnetic phases. The same similar results are obtainable 5 other means. Witnesses: Geo. The combination electro magnetic motor with rotary armature field cores of different magnetic susceptibility and en- 70 ergizing coils thereon connected series and adapted connected with source al­ ternating currents, set forth.. 5. The combination electro magnetic 55 motor with rotary armature short mag­ netic cores and long magnetic cores as and enei’gizing coils surrounding the same, those the cores being placed at a distance from the inner ends the said 60 cores, herein set forth.584,426 feeted. 3. 383,279 May 1888. 2. This adds materially the efficiency the motor for the reason that currents are induced in the closed coils and magnetize the iron eyl- 30 inder manner similar that described in Patent No. For example, secure the requisite difference magnetic phase, may make two the cores greater mass than cores whereby their period sat­ uration will greater than cores or r may make the ceres hard iron or steel and the cores soft iron, which case the cores offering greater resistance to magnetic changes, will not exhibit their magnetism soon after the passage cur- 15 rent the cores the cores one set poles, removed, the attract­ ive force the coils solenoids would be exerted instantly while the magnetic cores E E would lag have different phase. 4. NIKOLA TESLA. For example, may employ such armature that shown in 25 Fig. The combination electro magnetic motor with rotary armature magnetic 50 cores different length mass and ener­ gizing coils surrounding the same and adapted to connected with single source alter­ nating currents, set forth. The combination electro-magnetic motor with energizing coils adapted con­ nected with source alternating currents, and cores different magnetic susceptibility, 65 of armature wound with coils closed upon themselves, herein set forth. which cylinder disk wound with coils closed upon themselves. Without limiting myself, therefore, the particulars hereinbefore specified, what I claim invention is— 35 alternating current motor the com­ bination with energizing coils adapted be connected with external circuit cores of different magnetic susceptibility ex­ hibit differences magnetic phase under the influence energizing current, herein 40 set forth. 2o The special form the motor largely a matter choice, nor the invention limited to the number poles nor the special form of armature shown