NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. The carbons are supported the
metallic conductors preferably plati
num whole part, and having inside 70
the receiver coating insulating material
The action the discharge the tube C
from one conductor the other produces a
uniform throwing off the infinitesimal par
ticles carbon along the entire length 85
the conductors, the difference potential
between the two practically equal all
points, and the increase resistance will,
therefore, uniform. 514,973, dated February 20, 1894. the two
conductors carbons connected the two
parts circuit over which flows alter
nating current high tension, discharge
takes place from one carbon the other al
so ternately, that causes infinitesimal particles
to thrown off from each, which appreciably
increases their electrical resistance.
ELECTRICAL METER. The resistances the conductors are
then taken again and the increase gives the
The invention based the fact that
when high tension discharge made pass
from conductor through rarefied gas, mi-
20 nute particles are thrown off from the con
ductor and are embodied any apparatus in
which the proper conditions for the above re
sults are present, and which the amount of
the particles thrown off from the conductor
25 conductors result such action in
proportion the strength the current, the
energy which computed, and can
be measured from time time. This
variation may used measure the
energy current working circuit, I
shall now explain more detail and refer- 55
ring the drawings hereto annexed, and in
Figure illustrates the instrument above
described and, diagrammatically, the manner
of using the same. Thus, the energy 95
may computed from the variation the
resistance the conductors the following
manner: The resistances the conductors
are accurately measured any the usual
ways. The primary the induction coil is
connected series with incandescent lamps
or other non-inductive translating devices F,
supplied with alternating currents from any 75
suitable generator Under these condi
tions, since the difference potential the
terminals the secondary the induction
coil proportionate the primary current,
it is, therefore, proportionate the number 80
of lamps other devices F. The most convenient conductors for
35 this purpose are composed thin sticks or
filaments homogeneous carbon, the ends
of which platinum wires are attached, which
latter are sealed the glass, and, inside the
tube protected coating some insulat-
40 ing material, while their ends outside the
tube are connected formed suitable
terminals. Then known current caused 10c
pass for given time through the primary
of the induction coil and given number of
One terminal each the carbon con
ductors sealed above described in
the tube receiver connected ter- 65
minal the secondary high tension
induction coil, preferably constructed with
out iron.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.)
To all whom concern:
Beit known that citizen
of the,United States, residing New York, in
the county and State New York, have in-
5 vented certain new and useful Improvements
in Electrical Meters,ofwhich the following is
a specification, reference being had the
drawings accompanying and forming part
of the same,
io The subject this invention novel
method and apparatus for computing the
energy that has been expended given
time circuit, and more particularly de
signed for measuring the expended energy of
IS alternating currents and those varying
strength. the most
convenient means utilizing this principle
3c carrying out invention, have devised
an instrument the following character: In
a tube other receiver, preferably glass,
are placed two conductors, parallel each
other. The amount, how
ever, the particles thus thrown off 90
given time proportionate the difference
of potential between the two conductors, and
hence the increase the resistance the
conductors definite proportion the
number lamp hours.United States Patent Office.493,739, JNomodel. The glass tube provided with
a small tube through which exhausted to
- the properdegree and which sealed off after
45 exhaustion the usual manner. cross section 60
on enlarged scaleof one the carbon con
ductors. SerialN
o. Fig