The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
454,622, dated June 23, 1891. The lamp may made different forms and different ways, and the invention, as may readily understood from its above described nature and purpose,is not confined . RenewedD ecem ber15,1893.pur- pose very thin cylinder tube alumi­ num and should entirely surround all parts 65 of the conductor within the globe except the button itself, extending nearly the point union the stem with the button F. have found the practical ap­ plications this system that considerable 25 dissipation energy takes place from the conductors conveying the currents great potential and frequency, even when such con­ ductors are thoroughly insulated both within and without the lamp globes, and the sub- 30 jeet present invention means for . This object find may 35 readily accomplish surrounding the lead­ ing-in and supporting conductors with con­ ductor which acts static screen. What claim is— 1. The tube or screen entirely insulated from the con­ ductors within the globe and from all exter- 75 nal conductors bodies. this means the light-giving body button which lies beyond the influence the screen is 40 quickly and efficiently brought and main­ tained higher incandescence suitable electrical current effect, reason the fact that the electrical action which the incandescence due confined mainly the 45 button. 2. 514,170, dated February . to the specific form lamp herein shown. A glass globe the usual form, the base which sealed very thin conduct­ ing wire passing through stem of glass other refractory insulator the 55 upper inner end this wire united, by means mass ofcarbon paste carbon or other refractory stem that supports car­ ries small button carbon other suitable substance Over the stem passed, 60 any convenient stage the manufacture of the lamp and any well understood way, a metallic tube prefer use for this..nited States Patent Office, N Y. con­ nected with the pump the usual tube which 80 is sealed off K. incandescent electric lamp, the 95 combination exhausted globe, refrac­ tory light-giving body button therein, a conductingsupport for said button within the .. The globe, by means suitable air pump, exhausted to high degree practicable, until a non-striking vacuum attained. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, citizen of the United States, residing New York, in the countyand State NewYork, have in- 5 veDteda certain new and useful Improvement in Incandescent Electric Lamps, which the following specification, reference be­ ing had the drawings accompanying and forming part the same, to This invention improvement the particular class electric lamps lighting devices invented and for which have heretofore obtained Letters Patent, notably No. [5 The invention applies more particularly to that form lamp which small body or button refractory material supported by a conductor entering very highly exhausted globe receiver, but also applicable gen- 20 erally other forms lamp adapted for use with similar systems which currents of very high potential and great frequency are employed. incandescent electric lamp, the combination exhausted globe, refrac­ tory light-giving body therein, conductor 90 leading into the globe and connected or supporting the said body, and conducting screen surrounding the said conductor, set forth. ApplicationfiledJanuary 2,1892. INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LIGHT. A description the ordinary form lamp which employ will serve illustrate the principle and nature this improvement, and for such description now refer the drawings which show such lamp central 50 vertical section. SerialN o, 493,776. (H om odel. preventing such dissipation within the lamp, or rather for confining the particular parts part the conductor which de­ signed givelight. Sucha device reason its electro­ static action reduces the loss energy sup- 70 plied the bulb, preventing its radiation or dissipation into space except through the ex­ posed unprotected button