The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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conductor for electric circuits, com- 25 posed wire for carrying the current, an insulated coatingorcovering and surround­ ing conducting sheath screen divided into insulated sections, set forth. 35 3. The combination wire conductor for conveying electric currents, insulated coating covering therefor, conducting sheath screen surrounding the insulating coating and aconnection between said sheath- 40 ing and the ground containing condenser of very small capacity its equivalent. NIKOLA TESLA. What claim is— 1.beneficial results earth connection while preventing the generally serious loss that would occur the use such currents, by providing between the sheath and the ground 5 path very high ohmic resistance orone containing self-induction coilS properly de­ termined with respect the existing condi­ tions that will effect the described re­ sult, condenser very small capacity as t shown such cases the sheathing or screen for practical purposes may regard­ ed isolated from the ground, since the character the connection employed ap­ preciable loss results from the passage cur- 15 rent from the sheath the ground. No particular plan construction need be followed making this conductor, and no special materials the several kinds named need used; the general construction and 20 character the conductor, apart from the particularfeatures herein described, being en­ tirely well understood those skilled the art. conductor for electric circuits, com- 30 posed wire for carrying the current, a coating orcovering insulating material and a surrounding conducting sheath screen divided into insulated sections, the ends of which overlap, set forth. Witnesses: Ernest I-Iopkinson, P arker Page. . 2