' pplicniiim filed January 14.
My invention clearlyshownin theaccom-
20 panying drawings, which Figure ele
vation the regulator with the frame partly
in section: and Fig.
Over the brush-holders mounted the solen
oid which rests upon forked column, c. 13?,5'.s' then adjusted until the mag
netic attraction upon the core the samewlien 55
the core any position. the brush-holder supported two
pivot-screws, pp. Theiron
core has screw, means which it
can raised and adjusted its position rel-
45 atively the solenoid, that the pull ex
erted upon the solenoid practically
uniform through the whole length mo
tion which required effect the regulation.
The operation the device follows: So
When upon decrease the resistance the
circuit some other reason the current in
creased, the solenoid gains strength and
pulls the iron core thus shifting the main
brushes the direction rotation and the 85
auxiliary' brushes the opposite way. The brush-holders B'
40 are connected means ofthelinks eaudtho
cross-piece the iron core which slides
freely the tube the solenoid.
The electrical circuit-connections are sub
stantially the same, indicated former 75
applications, the solenoid being series with
the circuit when the translating devices are
in series and shunt when the devices are
in multiple are. The adjustment such 7c
that when the solenoid traversed the
normal current just strong enough bal
ance the downward pull the parts. 18?G.
In order effect the adjustment with greater
precision the core provided with small 50
iron screw, . convenient stop,
1, serves limit the upward movement the
iron core. The core being iirst brought
very nearly the required position relatively'
to the solenoid means the screw the
small screw .
which opens downward pressure and al
lows easy' downward movement the iron
core but closes and checks the movement of
the core when the same pulled under the 65
action the solenoid.i.
35 This column also affords support for the piv
ots pp>, and fastened upon solid bracket
or projection, which extends from the base
of the machine, and preferably cast one
piece with the same. The dash-pot con- 95
nected the iron core may ordinary'
construction; but prefer, especially' ma
chines for arc lights, provide the piston of
To balance the opposing forces, the weight
of the moving parts, and the pull exerted by
the solenoid upon the iron core, the weights
Tmay used. 1,’
0 the commutator: and B', the brash-
25 holders, carrying the main brushes a'
and the auxiliary shunt brushes The
axis of.
To check somewhat the movement the
core dash-pot, nsed. RAH
Mypresent invention relates the mechani
cal devices which employ effect the shift
ing the brushes.ite ,
SPECIFICATION forming pari Letters Patent Ho. 350,954, datec1
. section the line
x:c, Fig. This
diminishes the strength the current until
the opposing forces are balanced and the solen
oid traversed by' the normal current; but
if from any cause the current the circuit 90
diminished, then the weight the moving
parts overcomes the pull the solenoid, the
iron core descends, thus shifting the brushes
the opposite way and increasing the current
to the normal strength. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, ASSIGNOR THE
lias sleeve, and movable around the axis
30 the brush-holder this way both
brush-holders can turn very freely, the fric
tion the parts being reduced minim urn. The piston 60
of the dash-pot provided with valve, V. (No oduli
To all whom- may concern:
Be known that ikola esla, from
Smiljaa Lika, border country Austria-Hun
gary, have invented certain Improvements in
5 Dynamo-Electric Mad tines, which the fol
lowing specification. CotoSor IS, 1886.
In other applications have shown the com
mutator dyniimo-machine with the main
brushes connected electric circuit, and
io one moreauxiliary brushes serving shunt
a part the whole the field-coils, the regu
lation the current, being effected shifting-
the-respective brushes automatically upon the
commutator proportion the varying re-
15 sistances the circuit