SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.
The accompanying drawings which now
refer further illustration invention, 75
are series diagrams illustrating, not the
specific construction the particular devices
which may may not have used, but rather,
the electrical connections and relations be
adopted carrying out the present system 80
by means devices which are now well
known. let represent the
source alternating currents which are to
be utilized operating the motor motors.)
To all whom may concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria-Hungary, from
Smiljau, Lika, border country ofAustria-Hun-
5 gary, residing New York, the county
and State New York, have invented cer
tain new andusefullmprovementsin theElec-
trical Transmission Power, which the
following specification, reference being
io had the drawings accompanying and form
ing part the same.nited States Patent Office.
The distribution current between the
two motor circuits may effected induc
tion derivation.
It will understood that considered a
source current may either primary 95
or secondary generator. Fig. 90
Referring Fig.
Figure diagram illustrating the meth
od operating the motors inducing one of
the energizing currents the other.
B designate the conductors the circuit
which convey the alternating currents one
or more motors. In
either event make due provision for main
taining difference phase between the cur
rents the two circuits branches.circuits through which were caused pass al
ternating currents, having each circuit such
a difference phase that their combined
or resultant action they produced rotary pro-
20 gression the poles points maximum
magnetic effect the motor and thereby
maintained the rotation its movable ele
ment. For
example, when induce current one of
the circuits from the current flowing the
other, employ form converter bring
the two circuits into such inductive relations 65
as will produce the necessary difference of
phase. Fig. Or, the other hand, I
may connect the two energizing circuits
of the motor derivation multiple arc 55
with the main circuit from the source. (Bom
odel. 511,559, dated December ., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC
Broadly stated this invention consists in
passing alternating currents, obtained from
one original source, through both the en
ergizing circuits the motor, and retarding
45 the phases the current one circuit a
greater less extent than the other.
Application filed D
ber 8,1888. 85
is similar diagram the method operat
ing the motors where the two energizing cur
rents are obtained derivation from sin
In certain patents heretofore granted, have
shown and described system electrical
power transmission, which each motor eon-
15 tained two more independent energizing
In carrying out invention have used 60
various means for securing this result. SerialDo. One these 100
circuits connected directly with the
circuit The other set coils con-
. The motor has two energiz
ing circuits, sets ofcoils CD.
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. the system referred and de
scribed said patents, the production or
25 generation the alternating currents upon
the combined resulant action which the
operation the system depends, effected
by the employment alternating current
generator with independent induced circuits
30 which, reason the windingor other con
struction the generator produced currents
differing phase, and these currents were
conveyed directly from the generator the
corresponding motor coils independent
35 lines circuits, have, however, discovered
another method operating these motors,
which dispenses with one the line circuits
and enables run the motors means
ofalternating currents from single original
40 source. isa modified application of
this principle. other words, may
50 pass the alternating current from the source
through one energizing circuit and induce by
such current second current the other
energizing circuit. 293,051. Or, when obtain the two energizing
currents derivation, make the two cir
cuits different degrees self induction by
inserting resistance self induction coil 70
in one said circuits, combine these de
vices different ways shall more specifi
cally describe hereinafter