The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
35 Signed this 16th day May, D. Witnesses: Geo. I claim invention— The combination, with the commutator and main brushes and one more auxiliary brushes, the field-helices the main cir- 30 cuits and one more shunt-connections from the field-helices the auxiliary brushes, the relative positions upon the commutator the respective brushes being adjustable, for the purpose set forth. between the pointa; and the auxiliary brush brushes divide the sensitiveness when the brushes are ad- io justed. Pinckney, Wallace Seeeell. 1885. NIKOLA TESLA. I aware that not new useauxiliary brushes thecommutator,andthatauxiliary brushes have been connected the field heli­ ces; but not aware that the helices a is series dynamo have been shunted means of auxiliary brushes, and that the relative posi­ tion the respective brushes has been varied for the purpose regulating the current de­ veloped the machine. . 20 instances where auxiliary brushes have been used connection with the field-helices said auxiliary brushes received the current continuously and caused great sparking, whereas invention the auxiliary brush receives current only when the normal elec- 25 trical conditions the circuit are disturbed.The field-hélices may wound the same direction, part may wound opposite directions. The connection between the helices and the 5 auxiliary brush brushes may made a wire small resistance, resistance may be interposed (E, Pig