The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Witnesses: P arker Page, Marcella Tracy. 35 special construction the condenser is necessary demonstration the inven­ tion; but the plan admits particular con­ struction condenser, which the distance between the plates adj ustable, and which 40 take advantage. NIKOLA TESLA.356. ELECTRICAL CONDENSER. 45 I use any suitable box receptacle to contain the plates armatures. 464,667, dated December . 65 It well known that oils possess insulating- properties, and has been common prac­ tice interpose body oil between two conductors for purposes insulation; but I have discovered peculiar properties oils 70 which render them very valuable this par­ ticular form device, their employment in which has never heretofore and, far I am aware, been regard necessary even desirable. electrical condenser composed of plates armatures adjustable with respect 80 to one another and immersed oil. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. These lat­ ter are designated and and are con­ nected, respectively, terminals and E, which pass out through the sides the case. 50 The plates ordinarily are separated strips of porous insulating material which are used merely for the purpose maintaining them position. The space within the can is filled with oil Such condenser will 55 prove highly efficient and will not become heated permanently injured. . I have found that may accomplish these re­ sults and produce highly efficient and reliable condensers using oil the dielectric, and in this invention resides.401. I have found that insulating material such as glass, mica, and, general, those bodies 20 which possess the highest specific inductive capacity are inferior insulators such devices when currents the kind described are employed those possessing high insu­ lating power, together with smaller specific 25 inductive capacity, and have also found that it very desirable excludeall gaseous mat­ ter from the apparatus, any access the same the electrified surfaces, order to prevent heating molecular bombardment 30 and the loss injury consequent thereon. ApplicationfiledAugust 1,1891. 2. electric condenser composed plates or armatures immersed oil. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. similar view of a condenser with adjustable plates. SerialH o. 75 What claim is— 1. (H om odel. In many cases desirable vary ad­ just the capacity condenser, and this I provide for securing the plates adjust- 60 able supports—as, for example, rods II— passing through stuffing-boxes the sides of the case and furnished with nuts the ends the rods being threaded for engage­ ment with the nuts. .nited States Patent Office. In the accompanying drawings, Figure is a section condenser constructed ac­ cordance with invention and having sta­ tionary plates, and Fig.) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, citi­ zen the United States, residing New York, the county and State New York, 5 have invented certain new and useful Im­ provement Electrical Condensers, which the following specification, reference be­ ing had the accompanying drawings. The subject present application a i new and improved electrical condenser con­ structed with view obviating certain de­ fects which have observed exist the or­ dinary forms such apparatus when em­ ployed the system devised pro- 15 ducing light and other effects means of currents high frequency and high poten­ tial