The value this con- 55
denser will determined well-under
stood manner with reference the self-induc
tion and other conditions the circuit, as
to cause the currents which pass through it
to differ from the primary currents quar- 60
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re-
5 siding New York, the county and State
of New York, have invented certain new and
useful Improvements Electro -Magnetic
Motors, which the following specifica
tion, reference being had the drawing ac-
io eompanying and forming part the same.
Let represent the poles alternat
ing-current motor, which the arma
ture wound with coils closed upon them- 75
selves, now the general practice mo
tors this kind. The poles which alter
nate with poles are wound with coils or
dinary coarse wire such direction as
to make them alternate north and south So
polarity, indicated the diagram the
characters Over these coils other
inductive relation the same are wound long
fine-wire coils and the same direction
throughout the coils These coils are S5
secondaries, which currents very high
potential are induced.
45 have devised means which renders prac
ticableboth the above-described plans ormeth
ods, and which enabled obtain an
economical and efficient alternating-current
motor, invention consisting placing a
50 condenser the secondary induced circuit
of the motor above described and raising the
potential the secondary currents such a
degree that the capacity the condenser,
which part dependent the potential,
need quite small. expense condensers for this purpose that
would meet the requirements the ordinary
systems comparatively low potential are
practically prohibitory their employment.
Another now well-known method plan
35 securing difference phase between the
energizing-currents motors this kind is
to induce the currents one circuit those
in the other circuit circuits; but means
have heretofore been proposed that would se-
40 cure this way between the phases the
primary inducing and the secondary in
duced currents that difference—theoretically
ninety degrees—that best adapted for prac
tical and economical working. prefer connect
all the coils one series and all the sec
ondaries another.
This condition indicated the chai’acters
N' S'.
The drawing apaitly-diagrammatic illus
tration motor embodying invention.
N Y.
It well-known fact that the field or
energizing circuits such motor both
derived from the same source alternating
currents and condenser proper capacity
25 included one the same, approxi
mately the desired difference phase may
be obtained between the currents flowing di
rectly from the source and those flowing
through the condenser; but the great size and
I have illustrated the invention embodied
in motor which the inductive relation 65
the primary and secondary circuits secured
by winding them inside the motor partly
upon the same cores; but will under
stood that the invention applies, generally, to
other forms motor which one the en- 70
ergizing-currents induced any way from
the other.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters atent No.
In the circuit formed the two sets 100
coils and introduced condenser II;
otherwise the said circuit closed upon itself,
while the free ends the circuit coils E
are connected source alternating cur-
ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTOR.nited States Patent Office. 464,666, dated December 8,1891.
Applicatioli filedJuly 13, 1891, Serial N
o, 399,312, (N
On the intermediate poles are wound fine- 90
wire energizing-coils which are connected
in series wdth one another and also with the
series secondary coils the direction of
winding being such that current-impulse
induced from the primarj;coils imparts the 95
same magnetism tlie poles that pro
duced poles the primary impulse.
20 cessively and not simultaniously.
The general object present invention
is secure artificially difference quar
ter phase between the currents the
two energizing-circuits alternating-cur-
15 rent electro-magnetic motor that general
class invented me, which the action or
operation dependent upon the inductive in
fluence upon rotating armature inde
pendent field magnets coils exerted sue-