S are non-magnetic bushings secured or
set the central opening the cores.
The conductor this case may be
made substantially the same manner 105
above described slotting annular con
ducting-plate and supporting between two
heads held together bolts and fixed
to the driving-shaft The inner edge of
the plate conductor preferably flanged no
to secure firmer union between and the
heads insulated from said head.
The two parts the core are mounted
on and fixed the shaft and are bound
together bolts The number serra-
At any convenient point the plate cut 90
through form two terminals cl, which are
connected binding-posts 1
. 100
When desired rotate the conductor
between the faces stationary field-mag-
net, adopt the construction shown Fig. The Constrilction fol
lowed obviates great degree the distor
tion the magnetic lines the action the 75
current the conductor which will
be observed the current flowing any
given time from the center toward the pe
riphery one set radial parts and the
opposite direction the adjacent parts a'. The conductor D
and the parts attached thereto are supported
25 means the cylindrical shell casting
A the two parts which are brought to
gether and clamped bolts the outer
edge the conductor The conductor D
is also insulated from the shell A. Hence, although the
spaddbeiw^dn any two adjaceut points the1
sahidfacts itídý lid extremely small, there ftill
be léakagé tlie! magnetic lines betd'dhii yd
any two points the same name; but the
lines forde will pass across from One set of
points the other.
In this way continuous zigzag conductor is
formed. The
conductor shown this figure sec
tion, designating the radial portions of
the conductor, and the insulating-divisions
SS between the same.
4, which 1
TN represent the projections or
50 points one face the core the field,
and the points the other face.
30 The core for the field-magnet built of
two circular parts II, formed with annular
grooves which, when the two parts are
brought together, form space for the recep
tion the energizing-coil The central
35 parts hubs the cores are trued off,
so fit closely against one another, while
the outer portions flanges which form the
polar faces arereduced somewhat thick
ness make room for the conductor and
40 are serrated their faces provided any
other convenient way with polar projections.
The field-magnet this case consists two
annular parts II, provided with annular
grooves for the reception the coils. The two parts H
II are formed with base upon which the 120
machine rests. Since the
core one side opposite polarity the
65 part facing it, all the points projections of
one polar face will opposite polarity to
those the other face. The 115
flanges faces surrounding the annular
groove are brought together, while the inner
flanges are serrated, the previous case,
and form the polar faces.
The core HH, when rotated the driving-
pulley generates the conductors an
alternating current, which taken off from 95
the binding posts will observed
that from the nature the construction de
scribed this machine capable producing
an alternating current enormously high
rate alternations. The combination, annular field of
force formed opposing polar faces with 130
radial grooves serrations and with said
poles, connected series radial conduct
ors disposed with relation the serrations
that while one portion the radial conduct-
The conductor cut entirely through at
one point form terminals, from which in- 125
sulated conductors are led through the
shaft collecting-rings -
What claim is—
1.liiágíleb and Rotating ármáítiréi; frig, a
diagram ílliištfating the peciiliár configtira-
tion thfe jjolar faCes and the relation the
armattire conductor conductors thereto.
§ Figs, and designate two cylin
drical castings provided with bracket-arms B
B, which latter are bushings for the ro
tating shaft.5 tions the polar faces arbitrary; but there
must exist between them and the radial por
tions the conductor certain relation,
which will understood reference Fig. The conductor which the
currents are induced may constructed or
to arranged various ways; but prefer to
form the following manner: take an
annular plate copper and means a
saw other cutting-tool cut radial slots
from one edge nearly through the other,
15 beginning alternately from opposite edges. The relative width the
parts and the space between any two
adjacent points N
" such that when-
the radial portions the conductor are
passing between the opposite points S,
60 where the field strongest;, the intermediate
radial portions are passing through the
widest spaces midway between such points
and where the field weakest. 80
In order connect the energizing-coil G
with source continuous current, have
found convenient utilize two adjacent ra
dial portions the conductor for connects
ing the terminals the coil with two bind- 85
ing-posts For this purpose the plate is
cut entirely through, shown, and thebi’eak
thus made bridged over short con
ductor c. the inner edge this plate are
secured two rings non-magnetic metal E,
which are insulated from the copper con-
20 ductor, but held firmly thereto, means
of bolts Within the rings then placed
an annular coil which the energizing-
coil for the field-magnet