The exact number changes un
dulations necessaryto produce this resultwill
vary somewhat according the size the
io arc—that say, the smaller the arc the
greater the number changes that will be
required render inaudiblewithin certain
N . course, the rate alternations
or undulations for given sizeof arc becomes
iS very high the sound produced less percep
tible, and hence for some purposes the actual
limit audition may only approached,
provided the sound rendered practically
d itte 30
p lie ith lte tin r
p tin of
su lte tio tio of
th lim itio rth .
I —
T tin rin .
W itn sse :
F ,
A 20
a lte tio s
is lik d
b tin rre ore
p tim
te tio 25
th tte cool r
a sid ista .447,920
in the current, and consequently the number
of vibrations per unit time the gaseous
material the are beyond ten thou
sand eleven thousand per second, to
5 what regarded the limit audition, the
sound due such vibrations will not au