The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

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Upon the weakening the current the magnetic strength first diminishes, while the sections Chave still their maximum strength; but continue weaken the interior sections are similarly alternating one, will now be reversed, while bstill continues the first-im­ parted polarity. Each coreis composed three main 20 parts and and they are similarly formed with straight portion body e, around which the energizing-coil wound, a curved arm extension and inwardly- projecting pole end Each core made 25 two parts with their polar exten­ sions reaching one direction and part C between the other two and with its polar ex­ tension reaching the opposite direction. por­ tion the disk nearest the core from to b, indicated Fig. followed later similar change on and this action continues. arma­ ture—for instance, simple disk mounted to rotate freely axis—be brought into proximity the core, movement rota­ tion will imparted the disk, the diree- io tion depending upon its position relativety to the core, the tendency being turn the. may 60 then begin exhibit opposite polarity, which is. Let said figure represent cir­ cular frame iron, from diametrically-oppo-. I not wish understood limiting 85 myself any particular construction this form motor, the same principle action or operation may carried out great variety forms. The operation this motor follows: •When current impulse alternation di- 45 rected through the coils the sections B of the cores, being the surface and close proximity the coils, are immediately ener­ gized. What claim is— 90 1. NIKOLA TESLA. site points the interior which the cores project. alternating--current motor, the combination, with energizing-coil and a core composed two parts, one protected from magnetization the other interposed between and the coil, armature 95 mounted with the influence the fields of force produced said parts, set forth. Any armature—such, for instance, disk— 70 mounted this field would rotate from the pole first exhibit its magnetism that which exhibits later. 105 3. For example, the polar extensions the sections may be wound surrounded closed coils in- 80 dicated dotted lines Fig. Between the cores their polar extensions is mounted cylindrical similar armature 40 wound with magnetizing-coils that are closed upon themselves, usual motors of this general class. The combination, alternating-cur­ rent motor, rotating armature, frame and field-magnets thereon, each composed of an energizing-coil wound around core made up outer and inner protected magnetic no sections, each which formed orprovided with independent laterally -extended pole, pieces projections, herein described. and C may therefore considered separate field- magnets, being extended act the 65 armature the most efficient positions, and the effect similar that other forms of motor—viz., rotation progression of the maximum points ofthe field force. 2. In'order lessen the cores the circulation 30 ■currents induced therein, the several see-, tions are insulated from one another the manner usually followed such cases. As the magnetism increases, however, the sections are also energized; bat they do not attain their maximum strength until a certain time subsequent the exhibition by 55 the sections their maximum. These cores are wound with coils which are con­ nected the same circuit, either parallel •35 series, and supplied with alternating or a pulsating current, preferably the former, by a generator represented diagrammatically. This action continues the magnetic condition following that in 5 the manner above described. Witnesses: R , P. This action prin­ ciple operation have embodied prac- 15 ticable form motor, which illustrated in Fig. It evident that the principle herein de­ scribed may carried out conjunction 75 with other means, such have elsewhere set forth, for securing more favorable or efficient action the motor. The combination, alternating-cur­ rent motor, rotating armature, field- magnet composed coil and core with 100 two sections proximity the coil and an inner section between the same, the sections - being formed provided with polar projec­ tions extending opposite directions over or around the armature, set forth. The sections C,on the other hand, are protected from the magnetizing influence of 50 the coil the interposed layers iron B. The effect of these coils will still more effectively retard the magnetization the polar exten­ sions C