The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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REGULATOR FOR DYNAMO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. diagram illustrating the positions the brushes when the machine is being energized the start. H represents the commutator, with the plates ordinary construction. and arc diagrams 45 illustrating the electric devices that may be employed for automatically adjusting the brushes, and Fig. 55 M represent the field-helices, the ends of which are connected the main brushes a and 6 = The branch shunt wire extends from the auxiliary brush cto the circuit the field-helices, and connected the same 60 an intermediate point, X.i; or, 95 the part may wound the opposite di­ rection, shown Figs. and 3. The working-circuit extends from the brushes and usual, and con­ tains electric lamps other devices, D',either in series multiple arc. Figs. Devices for automatically moving the 35 brushes dynamo-electric machines are well known, and those made use machine may any desired known character. Figs. (In this case they are arranged shown Fig. 336,961, dated March 2,1886. If, for instance, the commutator-space between the brushes and when the latter the neutral point, diminished, current will 80 flow from the point over the shunt the brush thus strengthening the current the part M', and partly neutralizing the current in the part but tbe space between the brushes and increased, the current will 85 flow over the auxiliary brush opposite direction, and the current will be stregthened, and partly neutralized. i!N"o model. and are diagrams showing one core ofthe field-magnets with portion the helices wound oppo­ site directions. In the drawings, Figure diagram illus­ trating invention, showing one core the 40 field-magnets with one helix w T ound the same direction throughout. 50 and bare the positive and negative brushes of the main working circuit, and the aux­ iliary brush. Serial the resistance of the circuit the potentials the 70 points and will equal, and current will flowoverthe auxiliary brush:butwhen the brush occupies different position the po­ tentials the points and will differ­ ent, and current wall flow over the auxiliary 75 brush from the commutator, according to the relative position the brushes.) To all w/iom may concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, Smil- jan Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, have invented Improvement Dynamo­ 'S Electric Machines, which the following a specification. Application filed May 18, 1885. The parts and the field-wire may wound thesame direction.) It will apparent that the respective cores of the field-magnets are subjected the neu­ tralizing intensifying effects the current 100 . now to lie understood that when the auxiliary brush c occupies such position upon the comma- 65 tutor that the electro-motive force between the brushes and the electro-motive force between the brushes and the resistance of the circuit . •The relative positions the respective brushes are varied, either automatically by hand, that the shunt becomes inoperative when the auxiliary brush has certain posi- 20 tion upon the commutator; but when said aux­ iliary brush moved its relation the main brushes, the latter are moved their relation the auxiliary brush, the electric coudition disturbed and more less tbe 25 current through the field-helices diverted through the shunt current passed over said shunt the field-helices. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. By varying the relative position upon the commutator the respective brushes auto- 30 matically proportion the varying elec­ trical conditions the working-circuit the current developed can regulated pro­ portion the demands the working-circuit., NIKOLA. TESLA, SMILJAN LIKA, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY, RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY. 165,793. By combining with tbe brashes and c any known automatic regulating mechanism 90 the current developed can regulated iu proportion tbe demands the working- circuit. The object invention provide an improved method for regulating the current on dynamo-electric machines, ro improvement make use two main brushes, which the ends the helices of the field-magnets are connected, and auxil­ iary brush and branch shunt connection from intermediate point the field-wire 15 the auxiliary brush