The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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armature-core for electric machines, consisting plates magnetizable material 30 sepai’ated insulation, having radial open­ ings intervals, slots diverging from said openings for receiving armature-coils, and windingblocks orclips the ends the core. 4. Uptegraff,. core for electrical machines, composed to plates magnetizable material separated by insulation, said plates having diverging slots for receiving the armature-conductors and opening the exterior the plate at the origin the diverging slots." 20 core for electrical machines, composed of plates magnetizable material separated by insulation, said plates having diverging slots for receiving the armature-conductors • and opening the exterior the plate at 25 the origin the diverging slots, the width of such openings being approximately equal to the width the slot. 1889. armature-core for electrical appara- 35 tus, composed plates magnetizable ma­ terial separated insulation and having radial openings intervals, slots extending in opposite directions from said openings for receiving wires,and insulating-liningsforsaid slots. The connections between the armatu re-coils S and the conductors collecting-plates may be made any usual well-known manner, ac­ cording the purposes desired served. armature for electric machines, con­ sisting laminated core formed with di­ verging slots for receiving the wires, said slots leaving intervening webs, and coils wire wound said slots.417,794 described found very efficient its operations and the same time simple in its construction. NIKOLA TESLA. . Witnesses: W. . Charles Terry. 8. ALBERT SCHMID. In testimony whereof have hereunto subscribed our names this 25th day June, A. 45 7. 15 core-plate for electrical -machines, stamped with diverging slots intervals near its periphery and opening the periphery at the angle formed each two diverging slots. armature for electric machines, con­ sisting core having its outer surface con­ tinuous except for narrow longitudinal open- ^ ings intervals and having slots diverging from said openings, armature-coils wound in said slots, and blocks strips non-mag­ netizable material closing the openings and forming with the metal the armature 60 practically continuous surface. 5. We claim our invention— 1. 40 6. armature for electric machines, con­ sisting laminated core formed with di­ verging slots for receiving the wires, said slots leaving intervening webs,coilsof wire wound in said slots, and non-magnetizable material 50 closing the openings the adjacent slots out­ side the wires, substantially described