The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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Poznámky redaktora
311,418.) To all whom concern: Be known that sub­ ject the Emperorof Austria, from Smiljan, Lika, border country Austria -Hungary, 5 residing New York, the county and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Electro -Magnetic Motors, which the following aspeeifica- tion. I have also constructed other forms motor operating magnetic electric lag, which 30 not necessary describe herein detail, although present invention applicable thereto. Generally speaking, the mass the cores of armature and field equal, the amount of copper ampere turns the eiiergizing- coils both should also equal; but these 95 conditions will modified well-understood ways different forms machine.nited States Patent Office. This pro­ duct willbe greatest whenthese quantities are equal; hence constructing motor deter­ mine the mass ofthe armature and field 'cores 45 and the windingsof both and adapt the two so as equalize nearly possible the mag­ netic quantities both. These motors I have constructed great variety ways. In further explanation object let 55 be assumed that the energy represented in the magnetism the field given motor is ninety and that the armature ten. ELECTRIC MOTOR. these mo­ tors the total energy supplied effect their operation equal the sum the energies expended the armature and the field. motors which have closed armature-coils this only approxi­ mately possible, the energy manifested in 50 the armature the result inductive action from the other element; but motors in which the coils both armature and field are connected with the external circuit the result can much more perfectly obtained. The 40 power developed, however, proportionate to the product these quantities. SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. w ’ill be understood that these results are most ad­ vantageous when existing under the con­ ditions presented when the'motor running 100 . Serial No. I have also built motors with independent energizing-circuits ofdifferent electrical char­ acter self-induction, through which have 25 passed alternating current the phases of which were artificially distorted the greater retarding effect one circuit over another. current electro-magnetic motors invented by me, which progressive shifting ro­ tation the poles points maximum magnetic effect produced the action of iS the alternating currents. As instances, have built motors with two or more energizing-circuits, which connected up with corresponding circuits generator 20 that the motor will energized alter- ■nating currents differing primarily phase. (Nomodel. These results obtain using the same amount copper ampere turns in both elements when the cores both are equal, approximately so, and the same cur- 75 rent energizes both; cases where the currents one element are induced those of the other use the induced coils an excess copper over that the primary element conductor. 416,194, dated December 3,1889. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. would state, however, that believe that with the problem before him which I have herein stated, and the solution which I have proposed, any one skilled the art will be able carry out and apply this invention 90 without difficulty. The sum these quantities, which represents the total energy expended driving the motor, 60 is one hundred; but, assuming that the motor be constructed that the energy the field is represented fifty and that the arma­ ture fifty, the sum still one hundred; but while the first instance the product 65 nine hundred, the second twothousand five hundred, and the energy developed is in proportion these products clear that those motors are the most efficient—other things being equal—in which the magnetic 70 energies developed the armature and field are equal. such motors use armature wound with coil orcoils, which sometimes connected with the external circuit and some- 35 times closed upon itself, and both forms the present invention applies. 80 While know way illustrating this invention drawing such will meet the formal requirements application for patent, have appended for convenience a conventional figure motor such em- 85 ploy. Application filed May 20,1889. io This invention relates the alternating-