I claim invention—
1885. The combination, with the carbon-hold
ers electric lamp, clamp around
the rod the upper-carbon holder, the clamp-
60 iug-armature connected with said clamp, the
armature-lever and connection from the same
to the clamp, the main and shunt magnets,
and the respective poles the same actupon
the clamping-armature and armature-lever,
respectively, substantially set forth.
In this way the lamp cuts itself out automatic-
25 ally when the arc gets long, and reinserts
itself automatically the circuit the car
bons drop together. The lamp
is thus cut out long the carbons are sepa
rated. The combination, electric arc lamp,
of carbon-holder and its rod, clamp for
such carbon-holder, clamping-armature con
nected the clamp, compound electro-mag-
50 net controlling the action the clamping-ar
mature, and electric-circuit connections, sub
stantially set forth, for lessening the mag
netism the compound magnet when the arc
between the carbons lengthens and augment-
55 ing the magnetism the same when the arc
is shortened, substantially described. Pinckney,
William:G. The combination, with the carbon-holder
and rod and the main and shunt magnets, of
a feeding-clamp, armature for the same,
clamping and releasing poles upon the cores
of the respective magnets, and circuit-connec- 100
tions through the clamping-armature, substan
tially specified, for shunting the current
when the electric arc between the carbons be
comes abnormally long, substantially set
same time the armature-lever pulled down
out its normal position and the arc started. 95
8.the spirit my
30 invention, long the shunt-magnet closes
a circuit including wire upon the main mag
net and continues keep the contact closed,
being magnetized magnetic induction from
the main magnet.
Signed this 11th day July, D. electric-arc lamp, the combination,
with two upright magnets the main and
shunt circuits, respectively, having curved
pole-pieces one end and converging pole-
pieces the other end, flat Z-shaped 80
armature lever between the curved pole-
pieces and clamping-armature between the
convergent pole-pieces, substantially de
scribed. Then the armature having slight
15 tendency approach the clamping-pole m',
comes out contact with the releasing pole
As soon this happens, the current through
the part interrupted, and the whole cur
rent passes through the part The magnet
2c now strongly magnetized, the armature
g attracted, and the rod clamped. electric-arc lamp, the combination,
with the carbon-holder and magnets, the
armatures and link e', clamp and lever
f, and the spring s', for the purpose set forth. The cut-out may used this form
without any further improvement; but pre-
5 fer arrange that the rod drops and
the carbons come contact the arc started
again. 105
Geo. For this purpose proportion the re
sistance the part and the number the
convolutions the wire upon the main mag-
io net that when the carbons come contact a
sufficientamountofcurrentisdiverted through
the carbons and the part destroy neu
tralize the magnetism the compound mag
net. electric-arc lamp, cut-out con
sisting main magnet, armature, aud a
shunt-magnet having insulated pole-piece,
and the cut-out circuit-connections through
the pole-piece and armature, substantially 70
set forth. The combination, electric-are lamp, 85
of electro magnet the main circuit and
an electro-magnet the shunt -circuit, an
armature under the influence the poles of
the respective magnets, and circuit-connec
tions controlled such armature cut out 90
or shunt the lamp, substantially specified,
whereby the branch circuit closed the
magnetism the shunt-magnet, and then kept
closed induced magnetism from the main
magnet, substantially set forth.
It will seen that the cut-out may modi
fied without departing from . Mott.
7. also obvious say
35 that the magnets and armatures may any
desired shape. The combination, arc-lamp, a
main and shunt magnet, armature-lever
40 draw the arc, clamp, and armature to
act upon the clamp, clamping-pole and a
releasing-pole upon the respective cores, the
cores, poles, armatui’e-lever, and clamping-
armature forminga compound electro-magnet,
45 substantially set forth. The combination, with the carbon-hold
ing rod and clamp for the same, ar
mature upon the clamp, shunt-magnet the
pole which acts release the clamp, and a
main magnet with two-part helix, one por- o
tion being the main circuit and the other
portion ashunt cut-out circuit, the clamp
ing armature acting close said cut-out cir
cuit when the arc becomes too long and to
break the shunt-circuitwhen the carbonscome 115
together, substantially set forth. 75
6.335,787 3!
against the shunt-magnet pole n'.
3. 65