The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

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It will observed that such dispose tion illustrated Fig. When the desired speed reached, the shuntaround the armature-coils opened and the current directed through both anna- 65 ture and field coils. 80 the armature-circuit, the terminals which are rings Brushes bear these rings and connect with the line and field circuits. This principle discovered I 40 have utilized the operation motors. 401,520, . Under these condi­ tions the motor has strong tendency to synchronism. In other words, construct motor having in­ dependent field-circuits different self-in­ duction, winch are joined derivation a source alternating currents. The present application based upon another 25 way accomplishing this result, the main features being follows: alternating current passed through the field-coils only of motor having two energizing-circuits of different self-induction arid the annature- 30 coils short-circuited, the motor will have a strong torque, but little tendency to synchronism with the generator; but the same current which energizes the field be passed also through the armature-coils the 35 tendency remain synchronism very considerably increased. METHOD OPERATING ELECTRO-MAGNETIC MOTORS. the switch there- 85 in. This have heretofore done by change the circuit-connections, where­ by the start the poles resultant attrae- 20 tion the field-magnets the motor were shifted rotated the action the current until the motor reached synchronous speed, after which the poles were merely alternated. the alternations current other currents are 60 induced the closed—or short-circuited— armature-coils and the motor has strong torque. In patent granted April 16, 1889, No. the circuits including these 75 coils are different self-induction, have represented this resistance-coil cir­ cuit with and self-induction coil cir­ cuit with The same result may course be secured the winding the coils. Fig This diagram differs from the pre­ vious one only respect the order con­ nections. SerialH o, 311,414, (Ho model,) To all whom concern: Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub­ ject the Emperor Austria, from Smiljan, Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, and 5 resident New York, the county and State New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements Methods of Operating Electro-Magnetic Motors, which the following specification, reference be- io ing had the drawings accompanying and forming part the same. The figures are diagrams, and will explained in their order., ASSIGNOR THE TESLA ELECTRIC COMPANY, SAME PLACE. therefore important ob- 95 serve the proper rule winding the arma­ ture. When the current directed throiigh the motor, divides between the two circuits, (it not necessary consider any case where there are more than two circuits used,) which, 55 by reason their different self-induction, secure difference phase between the two currents the two branches that produces a shifting rotation the poles. This due the fact that the maximum magnetic effects pro­ duced the field and armature more nearly coincide. 416,192, daied December 3,1889. the present case the armature- 105 coil, instead being series with the field- . For . SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No.nited States Patent Office. In the drawings hereto annexed have illustrated several modifications the plan 70 above set forth for operating motors.instance, the motor have eight poles—four each circuit—there willbe four resultant poles, and hence the armature-wind­ ing should such produce four poles, 100 in order constitute true synchronizing motor. Application filedM ay20, 1889. The arma- 45 ture wind with one more coils, which are connected v’ith the field-coils through contact rings and brushes, and around the armature- coils arrange shunt with means for open­ ing closing the same.have shown and described a method starting and operating synchro- 15 nizing motors whichinvolved the transforma­ tion the motor from torque synchro­ nizing motor. Figure and designate the field-coils of the motor. the field-cir­ cuits and being different self-induc- 90 tion, there will always greater lag of the current one than the other, and that, generally, the armature phases will not correspond with either, but with the result­ ant both. starting this mo- 50 tor close the shunt around the armature- coils, which will therefore closed cir­ cuit. The operation these devices have ' stated above. NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. the shunt short circuit around the armature