,the said circuits or
25 branches, giving the circuits different
self-inductive capacity, and other ways. Be
tween coils and contact-ring form
ing one terminal the latter, and brush 55
forming one terminal the former.
A Fig. Another way pro
duce single alternating current, divide it
between the motor-circuits, and effect, arti
ficially lag one of.
In illustration the nature this inven-
\o tion shall refer the accompanying draw
ings, which—
Figures 1to 6,inclusive, are diagrams dif
ferent ways which the invention may
be carried out; and Fig.
In the former case, which the necessary
difference phase primarily effected in
the generation currents, have, some in-
30 stances, passed the currents through the en
ergizing-coils both elements the motor—
the field and armature; but have made the
discovery that new and useful result or
may obtained doing this under the con-
35 ditions hereinafter specified the case of
motors which the lag, above stated, is
artificially secured.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. The difference phase between the 75
two currents effects the rotation shifting of
the points maximum magnetic effect that
secures the rotation the armature.)
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola Tesla, sub
ject the Emperor Austria, fromSmiljan,
Lika, border country Austria-Hungary, re-
S siding New York, the county and State
of New York, have invented certain new and
useful Improvements Electro Magnetic
Motors, which the following specifica
tion, reference being had the drawings ac-
io companying and forming part the same. indicate the two energizing-
50 circuits motor, and two circuits on
the armature. Circuit coilA connected
in series with circuit coil and the two
circuits are similarly connected. SerialN
For the sake clearness have shown one
of these circuits artificial resistance R
and the other self-induction coil S. The opposite terminals the field-coils
connect one binding-post the motor,
and those the armature-coils are similarly 60
connected the opposite binding-post i
through contact-ring brush Thus
each motor-circuit while derivation the
other includes one armature and one field-
coil. Such motor has good
torque starting; yet has also considerable
tendency synchronism, owing the fact
that when properly constructed the maximum
magnetic effects both armature and field 85
coincide—a condition which the usual con
struction these motors with closed arma
ture-coils not readily attained. There this case but one
armature-coil the winding which main-
. These circuits are different self-in- 65
duction, and may madeso various ways. shows somewhat modified arrange- 100
ment circuits. cer
tain respects this plan including both
armature and field coils circuit, marked 80
ay 20,1889.nited States Patent Office.
This invention pertains that class elec
tro-magnetic motors invented which
two more independent energizing-circuits
are employed, and through whichalternating
15 currents differing phase are passed pro
duce the operation rotation the motor. 311,413, Q
NIKOLA TESLA, NEW YORK, Y. 416,191, dated December 3,1889. The
true synchronous speed this form motor
is thatof the generator when both are alike—
that say, the number the coils 95
the armature and the field the motor
will run normally the same speed gen
erator driving the number field-mag
nets poles the same also x. this present in
vention resides.
When alternating current passed 70
through this motor divides between its two
One the general ways which have fol
lowed carrying out this invention pro
duce practically independent currents differ-
20 ing primarily phase and pass these through
the motor-circuits.higher self-induc
tion one circuit produces greater retarda
tion lag the current therein than the
other. The motor
thus constructed exhibits, too, better regu
lation current from load load, and 90
there less difference between the apparent
and real energy expended running it. ring
cl and brush similarly connect coils and
D. The.
The diagrams detail will described
separately. side view a
45 form motor which have used for this