The U.S. Patents of Nikola Tesla

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet Sborník  |

Freely available at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

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Poznámky redaktora
W claim is— 1 electrica gen erator sistin e com ination ith rotary conductors m ted olar fields, flexib con- 40 ductor elt ssin around erip eries of said conductors, erein set forth. This machine, self-exciting, would have copper- bands around its poles, conductors any 25 kind—such the wires shown the draw­ ings—may used. 5 IIK are the disks generating-eonduetors. W itn esses: Parker Page, Robt. 20 are the terminals. F urth erm ore, con ct­ in com posed several sm aller rin cip con ­ n ectio erein escrib lied 35 m ore ach ines.406,968 field opposite polarity. The driving-shafts F pass through the poles and are journaled in insulating-hearings the easting as shown. Each shaft provided with driving- pulley which power imparted from a counter-shaft. Gaylord. For sake clear­ ness they are shown provided with springs P, that bear upon the ends the shafts. . prefer, however, use this belt 15 merely conductor, and for this purpose may use sheet steel, copper, other suitable metal. 2. flexible metallic belt is passed over the flanges the two disks, and, if desired, may used drive one the disks. They are provided with broad pe­ ripheral flanges course obvious that io the disks may insulated from their shafts, if desired. are keyed secured their respective shafts. They are composed copper, brass, iron and. com ination ith rotary con ­ d ctin isk erip era flan ges and m ted olar field s,o flexib con- 45 d tin elt band ssin around e flanges both isk set forth. I not limit invention the special construction herein shown. For example, it is not necessary that the parts constructed in ach aterials and pro- 30 p ortion erein stric tly follow . NIKOLA TESLA. 3 com ation sets of field agn ets ted ain nip olar fields, ctin isk ted rotate 50 sa fields, riv echanism for each isk and flex ctin elt or ssin around erip eries e d isk forth