Fig.United States Patent Office. an
elevation, partly section, the lamp at
30 right angles Fig.
NEW JERSEY. sectional
plan the line Fig.
In another application, No. Serial !No. Fig. 55
My invention will understood with refer-
25 ence the accompanying drawings.
The magnets and are made very flat,
so that their width exceeds three times their
thickness, even more. Fig. also make the guides through
which the carbon-holding rod slides, the
same material. this way com-
50 paratively small number convolutions is
sufficient produce the required magnetism,
besides greater surface offered for cooling
off the wires.
In the drawings, Fig. represents the
main and the shunt magnet, both securely
fastened the base which, with its side
40 columns,S preferably cast one piece of
brass other diamagnetic material. The bear
ings are carried lever, one end of
which rests upon adjustable support, of
the side columns, the other end being con
nected means the link the armature- 90
lever The armature-lever fiat piece
of iron shape, having its ends curved so
as correspond the form the upper pole-
pieces the magnets and hung
upon the pivots Fig. and which
are just the middle between the jaws ce. The lowerpole-pieces,m'n\ arebrought near
together, tapering toward the armature as
shown Figs. is
a detached section illustrating the connection
of the spring the lever that carries the piv-
35 ots the clamp, and Fig, diagram
showing the circuit-connections the lamp. 171,416. 160,574, filed
by March 30, 1885, have shown and de
scribed lamp having two magnets, the
io main and shunt circuits, respectively, ar
mature-lever, and feed-mechanism connected
to the armature-lever. The clamp sup
ported bearings tv, Figs. which are the 95
jaw the top plate, This plate with
the jaw, preferably cast one piece and
screwed the side columns, that extend
up from the base partly balance the
overweight the moving parts spring, s', 100
. These jaws are arcs circle the 70
diameter the rod and are made some
hard metal, preferably hardened German
silver. the
magnets are soldered otherwise fastened the
brass washers disks Similar wash
ers, fiber other insulating material,
45 serve insulate the wires from the brass
washers. Thejaws ee
are fastened the inside the tube so
that one little lower than the other.
In the drawings, Figure elevation of
the lamp with the case section.
The upper pole-pieces, the magnets
are curved, indicated the drawings, Fig.)
To all whom concern:
Be known that Nikola. 85
find this disposition the best.
In present invention further provide
means for automatically withdrawing lamp
from the circuit, cutting out the same,
when, from failure the feed, the arc reaches
20 abnormal length, and also means for auto
matically reinserting such lamp the circuit
when the rod drops and the carbons come into
contact. 335,787, dated February 9,1886. This has the advantage re- 75
duce greatly the wear and corrosion the
parts comingin frictional contact with the rod,
which frequently causes trouble. a
sectional plan the line Fig.
SPECIFICATION forming part Letters Patent No. Fig. and The object this
taper concentrate the greatest amount of
the developed magnetism upon the armature, 60
and also allow the pull exerted always
upon the middle the armature This
armature piece iron the shape a
hollow cylinder, having each side seg
ment cut away, the width which equal 65
the width the pole-pieces m'
The armature soldered otherwise fast
ened the clamp which formed a
brass tube, provided with gripping-jaws e,
Application filed July 13,1883.Tesla, Smil-
jan Lika, border country ofAustria-Hungary,
have invented certain Improvements Elec-
5 trie-Arc Lamps, which the following a
Mypresent invention consists some modi
fications and improvements upon the de-
15 vices shown the application referred to. The 80
object this provide greater opening
for the passage the rod when the same is
released the clamp. sec
tion the clamp about full size. ("No model