Věstník 1/2017
prEN ISO 20765-1
Natural gas Calculation thermodynamic properties Part 1:
Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution
applications (ISO 20765-1:2005) CEN/TC 238 2017-02-09
prEN ISO 20765-2
Natural gas Calculation thermodynamic properties Part 2:
Single-phase properties (gas, liquid, and dense fluid) for
extended ranges application (ISO 20765-2:2015) CEN/TC 238 2017-02-09
prEN ISO 23874
Natural gas Gas chromatographic requirements for
hydrocarbon dewpoint calculation (ISO 23874:2006) CEN/TC 238 2017-12-08
prEN ISO 1833-4
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part Mixtures
of certain protein and certain other fibres (method using
hypochlorite) (ISO/DIS 1833-4:2016) CEN/TC 248 2017-02-09
prEN ISO 1833-7
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part Mixtures of
polyamide and certain other fibres (method using formic acid)
(ISO/DIS 1833-7:2016) CEN/TC 248 2017-02-14
prEN ISO 1833-11
Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 11: Mixtures of
certain cellulose fibres with certain other fibres (method using
sulfuric acid) (ISO/DIS 1833-11:2016) CEN/TC 248 2017-02-14
prEN 478
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles -
Appearance after exposure 150 °C Test method CEN/TC 249 2017-02-14
prEN 479
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles -
Determination heat reversion CEN/TC 249 2017-02-09
prEN 477
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles -
Determination the resistance impact profiles falling mass CEN/TC 249 2017-02-09
prEN 514
Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles for the
fabrication windows and doors Determination the
strength welded corners and T-joints CEN/TC 249 2017-02-09
prEN 17065 Railway applications Braking Passenger coach test procedure CEN/TC 256 2012-08-01
prEN 15227
Railway applications Crashworthiness requirements for
railway vehicle bodies CEN/TC 256 2017-02-09
prEN ISO 28706-3
Vitreous and porcelain enamels Determination resistance
to chemical corrosion Part Determination resistance to
chemical corrosion alkaline liquids using hexagonal vessel
or tetragonal glass bottle (ISO/DIS 28706-3:2016) CEN/TC 262 2017-02-02
EN 13480-4:2012/prA5 Metallic industrial piping Part Fabrication and installation CEN/TC 267 2017-02-02
prEN 17059 Plating and anodizing lines Safety requirements CEN/TC 271 2017-02-02
prEN ISO 18593
Microbiology the food chain Horizontal methods for
sampling techniques from surfaces using contact plates and
swabs (ISO/DIS 18593:2016) CEN/TC 275 2017-01-25
prEN ISO 17427-1
Intelligent transport systems Cooperative ITS Part 1:
Roles and responsibilities the context co-operative ITS
architecture(s) (ISO/DIS 17427-1) CEN/TC 278 2017-02-14
prEN ISO 16410-1
Electronic fee collection Evaluation equipment for
conformity ISO 17575-3 Part Test suite structure and test
purposes (ISO/DIS 16410-1:2016) CEN/TC 278 2017-02-14
prEN 12542
LPG equipment and accessories Static welded steel cylindrical
tanks, serially produced for the storage Liquefied Petroleum
Gas (LPG) having volume not greater than m³ Design
and manufacture CEN/TC 286 2017-02-23
prEN ISO 19136-2
Geographic information Geography Markup Language (GML) -
Part Extended schemas and encoding rules (ISO 19136-2:2015) CEN/TC 287 2017-02-09
prEN ISO 6320
Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination refractive
index (ISO/FDIS 6320:2016) CEN/TC 307 2017-01-25
prEN ISO 29481-1
Building information models Information delivery manual -
Part Methodology and format (ISO 29481-1:2016) CEN/TC 442 2017-01-26
prEN ISO 23611-1
Soil quality Sampling soil invertebrates Part Hand-
sorting and extraction earthworms (ISO/DIS 23611-1:2016) CEN/TC 444 2017-02-08
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