ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-12

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 1433:2002 EN 1433:2002/A1:2005 97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders - Common cements, including:<BR>-Portland cement,<BR>-Portland composite cements: Portland-slag cement, Portland-silica fume cement, Portland-pozzolana cement, Portland-fly ash cement, Portland-burnt shale cement, Portland-limestone cement, Portland composite cement,<BR>-Blastfurnace cements,<BR>-Pozzolanic cements,<BR>-Composite cements (preparation concrete, mortar, grout and other mixes for construction and for the manufacture construction products). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 12566-1:2000/A1:2003 EN 12566-3:2005+A2:2013 EN 12566-4:2007 EN 12566-6:2013 97/464/EC Waste water engineering products outside buildings (2/3) - Prefabricated drainage channel (to used outside buildings, for waste water from buildings and civil engineering works including roads). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 12566-6:2013 97/464/EC Waste water engineering products inside and outside buildings Systems attestation conformity respect of reaction fire characteristics Kits and elements for waste water treatment plants and on-site treatment equipment -Septic tanks (For all use(s) when subject regulations on reaction fire).Věstník 12/2016 56 decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification ETAG 020 Art 66(3) ETAG 020 Art 66(3) ETAG 020 Art 66(3) ETAG 020 Art 66(3) 97/464/EC Waste water engineering products inside and outside buildings Systems attestation conformity respect of reaction fire characteristics Kits and elements for waste water treatment plants and on-site treatment equipment -Septic tanks (For all use(s) when subject regulations on reaction fire). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 12566-6:2013 97/464/EC Waste water engineering products inside buildings (2/2) - Kits for waste water pumping station and effluent lifting plants (for use inside building). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EN 459-1:2010 97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders - Hydraulic road binders (preparation concrete, mortar, grout and other mixes for road bases stabilisation). Product Certification Body (System 1+) EN 413-1:2011 97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders - Building limes, including:<BR>-Calcium limes,<BR>-Dolomitic limes,<BR>-Hydraulic limes (preparation concrete, mortar, grout and other mixes for construction and for the manufacture construction products). Product Certification Body (System 1+) EN 197-1:2011 97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders - Special cements, including:<BR>-low heat cements,<BR>-sulfate resisting cement,<BR>-white cement,<BR>-sea water resisting cement,<BR>-low alkali cement (preparation concrete, mortar, grout and other mixes for construction and for the manufacture of construction products). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EN 13282-1:2013 EN 15368:2008+A1:2010 97/556/EC External thermal insulation composite systems/kits with Product EAD 040016-00-0404 7 20 . Product Certification Body (System 1+) EN 14216:2004 EN 14216:2015 97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders - Masonry cements (preparation concrete, mortar, grout and other mixes for construction and for the manufacture of construction products). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 12050-1:2001(*) EN 12050-2:2000 EN 12050-3:2000 EN 12050-4:2000 97/464/EC Waste water engineering products outside buildings (1/3) - Kits and elements for waste water treatment plants and on-site treatment equipment -Septic tanks (to used outside buildings, for rain water, faecal and organic effluents)