ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-12

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 12/2016 51 authorised contact person(s) body name, direct telephone, and personal email Alexander SAFARIK-PSTROSZ +420::286019427 safarik@tzus. Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 070001-00-0504 EN 13815:2006 EN 13963:2005 EN 13963:2005/AC:2006 EN 14190:2005 EN 14190:2014 EN 14209:2005 EN 14496:2005 2 20 . Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 13815:2006 EN 13963:2005 EN 13963:2005/AC:2006 EN 14190:2005 EN 14209:2005 EN 14496:2005 95/467/EC Gypsum products (1/4) Plasterboards and ceiling elements with thin laminations, fibrous gypsum boards, fibrous gypsum plaster casts, and composite panels (laminates), which the incorporated material placed face susceptible be explosed fire, including relevant ancillary products (in walls, partitions ceilings (or lining thereof) subject reaction to fire requirements).cz Jozef POBIS +420::286019427 pobis@tzus. FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EAD 060001-00-0802 EAD 060003-00-0802 EN 12446:2011 EN 13063-1:2005+A1:2007 EN 13063-2:2005+A1:2007 EN 13063-3:2007 EN 13069:2005 EN 13084-5:2005 EN 13084-5:2005/AC:2006 EN 13084-7:2012 EN 14471:2005 EN 14471:2013+A1:2015 EN 1457-1:2012 EN 1457-2:2012 EN 14989-1:2007 EN 14989-2:2007 EN 1806:2006 EN 1856-1:2009 EN 1856-2:2009 EN 1857:2010 EN 1858:2008+A1:2011 95/467/EC Gypsum products (1/4) Plasterboards and ceiling elements with thin laminations, fibrous gypsum boards, fibrous gypsum plaster casts, and composite panels (laminates), which the incorporated material placed face susceptible be explosed fire, including relevant ancillary products (in walls, partitions ceilings (or lining thereof) subject reaction to fire requirements).cz tasks performed the body : created 02/09/2016 last update 11/10/2016 decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification 95/467/EC Chimneys, flues and specific products (1/1) Prefabricated chimneys (storey height elements), flue liners (elements or blocks), multi-shell chimney (elements blocks), single walled chimneys and attached chimneys (chimneys)