ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-11

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

Strana 53 z 79

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Poznámky redaktora
Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 331:1998 EN 331:1998/A1:2010 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (4/5) Pipes (in installations in areas subject reaction fire regulations, used for the transport/ distribution/storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building).Věstník 11/2016 53 decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (1/5) Valves and taps (in installations for the transport/distribution/ storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 12285-2:2005(*) 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (3/5) tanks (in installations areas subject resistance fire regulations, used for the transport/distribution/storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 1057:2006+A1:2010 EN 14800:2007 (*) use facilities outside the testing laboratory the notified body 4. Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 12285-2:2005(*) 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (4/5) Valves and taps (in installations areas subject reaction fire regulations, used for the transport/distribution/ storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 10255:2004+A1:2007(*) EN 1057:2006+A1:2010(*) EN 14800:2007 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (1/5) tanks (in installations for the transport/distribution/ storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 331:1998 EN 331:1998/A1:2010 99/472/EC Pipes, tanks and ancillaries not contact with water intended for human consumption (1/5) Pipes (in installations for the transport/distribution/ storage gas/fuel intended for the supply building heating/cooling systems, from the external storage reservoir the last pressure reduction unit the network the inlet the heating/cooling systems the building)