ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-11

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
. Vodička r.Věstník 11/2016 38 prEN ISO 20701 Leather Tests for colour fastness Colour fastness saliva CEN/TC 289 2016-11-29 EN ISO 3656:2011/prA1 Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed specific UV extinction -Amendement (ISO 3656:2011/DAM 1:2016) CEN/TC 307 2016-11-25 prEN ISO 18134-2 Solid biofuels Determination moisture content Oven dry method Part Total moisture Simplified method (ISO/FDIS 18134-2:2016) CEN/TC 335 2016-11-24 prEN 13588 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination cohesion of bituminous binders with pendulum test CEN/TC 336 2016-12-08 prEN 13302 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination dynamic viscosity bituminous binder using rotating spindle apparatus CEN/TC 336 2016-12-01 prEN ISO 22477-5 Geotechnical investigation and testing Testing of geotechnical structures Part Testing grouted anchors (ISO/DIS 22477-5:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-12-22 prEN ISO 17892-7 Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing of soil Part Unconfined compression test (ISO/DIS 17892-7:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-12-21 prEN ISO 17892-8 Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing of soil Part Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test (ISO/DIS 17892-8:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-12-21 prEN ISO 17892-9 Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing of soil Part Consolidated triaxial compression tests on water saturated soils (ISO/DIS 17892-9:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-12-21 prEN 16785-2 Bio-based products Bio-based content Part Determination of the bio-based content using the material balance method CEN/TC 411 2016-12-22 prEN 16766 Bio-based solvents Requirements and test methods CEN/TC 411 2016-11-24 prEN ISO 34101-1 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans Part Requirements for sustainability management systems (ISO/DIS 34101-1:2016) CEN/TC 415 2016-12-05 prEN ISO 34101-2 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans Part Requirements for performance (related economic, social, and environmental aspects) (ISO/DIS 34101-2:2016) CEN/TC 415 2016-12-05 prEN ISO 34101-3 Sustainable and traceable cocoa beans Part Requirements for traceability (ISO/DIS 34101-3:2016) CEN/TC 415 2016-12-05 prEN 71-8 Safety toys Part Activitity toys for domestic use CEN/TC 2016-11-24 EN 13445-3:2014/prA6 Unfired pressure vessels Part Design CEN/TC 2016-12-08 prEN ISO 8434-1 Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use - Part 24° cone connectors (ISO/DIS 8434-1:2016) ECISS/TC 110 2016-12-02 Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Mgr