. Kratochvíl r.Věstník 9/2016
prEN ISO 25137-1
Plastics Sulfone polymer moulding and extrusion materials -
Part Designation system and basis for specifications
(ISO 25137-1:2009) CEN/TC 249 2016-10-14
prEN ISO 25137-2
Plastics Sulfone polymer moulding and extrusion materials -
Part Preparation test specimens and determination of
properties (ISO 25137-2:2009) CEN/TC 249 2016-10-14
EN 1993-1-5:2006/
Eurocode Design steel structures Part 1-5: Plated
structural elements CEN/TC 250 2016-10-20
prEN 14811
Railway applications Track Special purpose rail Grooved and
associated construction CEN/TC 256 2016-10-13
prEN 14587-1
Railway applications Infrastructure Flash butt welding of
rails Part New R220, R260, R260Mn, R320Cr, R350HT,
R370LHT and R400HT grade rails fixed plant CEN/TC 256 2016-10-13
prEN ISO 20274
Vitreous and porcelain enamels Preparation samples and
determination thermal expansion coefficient
(ISO/DIS 20274:2016) CEN/TC 262 2016-09-25
EN 13480-3:2012/prA1 Metallic industrial piping Part3: Design and calculation CEN/TC 267 2016-10-13
prEN ISO 5458
Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) Geometrical
tolerancing Positional and pattern tolerancing
(ISO/DIS 5458:2016) CEN/TC 290 2016-08-25
prEN 13757-3 Communication systems for meters Part Application protocols CEN/TC 294 2016-10-06
prEN 13757-2
Communication systems for meters Part Wired M-Bus
communication CEN/TC 294 2016-10-06
prEN 13757-7
Communication systems for meters Part Transport and
security services CEN/TC 294 2016-10-06
prEN 12216
Shutters, external blinds, internal blinds Terminology, glossary
and definitions CEN/TC 2016-10-20
prEN ISO 13693-1
Irrigation equipment Safety devices for chemigation Part 1:
Small plastics valves for chemigation (ISO 13693-1:2013) CEN/TC 334 2016-10-13
prEN ISO 22476-10
Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing –
Part 10: Weight sounding test (ISO/DIS 22476-10:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-10-20
EN 16214-3:2012/prA1
Sustainability criteria for the production biofuels and
bioliquids for energy applications Principles, criteria, indicators
and verifiers Part Biodiversity and environmental aspects
related nature protection purposes CEN/TC 383 2016-09-29
prEN 17032
Blast chillers and freezers cabinets for professional use -
Classification, requirements and test conditions CEN/TC 2016-10-13
prEN ISO 28921-1
Industrial valves Isolating valves for low-temperature
applications Part Design, manufacturing and production
testing (ISO 28921-1:2013) CEN/TC 2016-10-28
prEN ISO 28921-2
Industrial valves Isolating valves for low-temperature
applications Part Type testing (ISO 28921-2:2015) CEN/TC 2016-10-28
EN 54-27:2015/prA1:2016
Fire detection and fire alarms systems Part 27: Duct smoke
detectors CEN/TC 2016-10-06
prEN ISO 6507-4
Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part Tables and
hardness values (ISO/DIS 6507-4:2016)
101 2016-10-04
prEN ISO 6507-1
Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part Test method
(ISO/DIS 6507-1:2016)
101 2016-10-04
prEN ISO 6507-2
Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part Verification
and calibration testing machines (ISO/DIS 6507-2:2016)
101 2016-10-04
prEN ISO 6507-3:2016
Metallic materials Vickers hardness test Part Calibration of
reference blocks (ISO/DIS 6507-3:2016)
101 2016-10-04
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