ÚNMZ - Věstník 2016-07

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 7/2016 91 prEN 15507 Packaging Transport packaging for dangerous goods - Comparative material testing polyethylene grades CEN/TC 261 2016-08-19 prEN ISO 20421-2 Cryogenic vessels Large transportable vacuum-insulated vessels Part Operational requirements (ISO/DIS 20421-2:2016) CEN/TC 268 2016-07-05 prEN ISO 21028-2 Cryogenic vessels Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature Part Temperatures between -80 degrees C and -20 degrees C (ISO/DIS 21028-2:2016) CEN/TC 268 2016-07-04 prEN ISO 13578 Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment Safety requirements for machinery and equipment for production of steel electric arc furnaces (ISO/DIS 13578:2016) CEN/TC 322 2016-08-12 prEN ISO 18674-3 Geotechnical investigation and testing Geotechnical monitoring field instrumentation Part Measurement of displacements across a line: Inclinometers (ISO/DIS 18674-3:2016) CEN/TC 341 2016-08-26 prEN ISO 11272 Soil quality Determination dry bulk density (ISO/DIS 11272:2016) CEN/TC 345 2016-08-12 prEN 16990 Non-type approved light motorized vehicles for the transportation persons and goods and related facilities All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs Quads) and Side Side Vehicles - Safety requirements and test methods CEN/TC 354 2016-08-05 prEN 16992 Competency for Customs Representatives CEN/TC 432 2016-08-05 prEN ISO 18295-1 Customer contact centres Part Requirements for customer contact centres (ISO/DIS 18295-1:2016) CEN/SS A99 2016-09-11 prEN ISO 18295-2 Customer contact centres Part Requirements for using the services customer contact centres (ISO/DIS 18295-2:2016) CEN/SS A99 2016-09-11 prEN ISO 16664 Gas analysis Handling calibration gases and gas mixtures - Guidelines (ISO/DIS 16664:2016) CEN/SS N21 2016-08-19 prEN 16602-10 Space product assurance Product assurance management CEN/CLC/TC 2016-08-05 prEN 16602-70-54 Space product assurance Ultracleaning flight hardware CEN/CLC/TC 2016-08-05 Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing. . Kratochvíl r