Věstník 6/2016
prEN ISO 2360
Non-conductive coatings non-magnetic electrically
conductive base metals Measurement coating thickness -
Amplitude-sensitive eddy-current method
(ISO/DIS 2360:2016) CEN/TC 262 2016-07-28
prEN 16985
Spray booths for organic coating material Safety
requirements CEN/TC 271 2016-07-14
prEN 16995
Foodstuffs Vegetable oils and foodstuff basis vegetable
oils Determination mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons
(MOSH) and mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH)
with on-line HPLC-GC-FID analysis CEN/TC 275 2016-07-28
prEN 16987
Foodstuffs Determination acrylamide coffee and coffee
products HPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS CEN/TC 275 2016-07-21
prEN ISO 15621
Absorbent incontinence aids for urine and/or faeces General
guidelines evaluation (ISO/DIS 15621:2016) CEN/TC 293 2016-07-21
prEN ISO 21294
Oilseeds Manual automatic discontinuous sampling
(ISO/DIS 21294:2016) CEN/TC 307 2016-07-21
prEN ISO 10750
Footwear Test method for slide fasteners Attachment
strength end stops (ISO 10750:2015) CEN/TC 309 2016-07-21
prEN ISO 9806
Solar energy Solar thermal collectors Test methods
(ISO/DIS 9806:2016) CEN/TC 312 2016-07-28
prEN 16991 Risk based inspection framework (RBIF) CEN/TC 319 2016-07-28
prEN 13126-8
Building hardware Hardware for windows and doors height
windows Part Requirements and test methods for
tilt turn, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware CEN/TC 2016-07-14
prEN ISO 19160-4
Addressing Part International postal address components
and template languages (ISO/DIS 19160-4:2016) CEN/TC 331 2016-07-28
prEN 12591
Bitumen and bituminous binders Specifications for paving
grade bitumens CEN/TC 336 2016-07-07
prEN ISO 19258
Soil quality Guidance the determination background
values (ISO/DIS 19258:2016) CEN/TC 345 2016-07-14
prEN ISO 28057
Dosimetry with solid thermoluminescence detectors for
photon and electron radiations radiotherapy
(ISO 28057:2014) CEN/TC 430 2016-07-14
prEN ISO 14457 Dentistry Handpieces and motors (ISO/DIS 14457:2016) CEN/TC 2016-07-21
prEN ISO 22112
Dentistry Artificial teeth for dental prostheses
(ISO/DIS 22112:2016) CEN/TC 2016-07-07
prEN ISO 6506-2
Metallic materials Brinell hardness test Part Verification
and calibration testing machines (ISO/DIS 6506-2:2016) ECISS/TC 101 2016-07-28
prEN 10164
Steel products with improved deformation properties
perpendicular the surface the product Technical
delivery conditions ECISS/TC 103 2016-07-14
prEN ISO 21809-5 rev
Petroleum and natural gas industries External coatings for
buried submerged pipelines used pipeline transportation
systems Part External concrete coatings
(ISO/DIS 21809-5:2016) ECISS/TC 110 2016-07-21
Ředitel odboru technické normalizace:
Ing. Kratochvíl r.