ÚNMZ - Věstník 2014-9

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

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Poznámky redaktora
Kratochvíl r. .Věstník 9/2014 47 prEN ISO 18623-1 rev Air compressors and compressed air systems Air compressors Part Safety requirements (ISO/DIS 18623-1:2014) CEN/TC 232 2014-12-31 prEN 1709 Safety requirements for cableway installations designed to carry persons Precommissioning inspection, maintenance, operational inspection and checks CEN/TC 242 2014-12-31 prEN 16704-3 Railway applications Track Safety protection the track during work Part Competences personnel related to work near tracks CEN/TC 256 2014-09-15 prEN 16771 Railway applications Infrastructure Aluminothermic welding grooved rails CEN/TC 256 2014-12-10 prEN ISO 17668 Zinc diffusion coatings ferrous products Sherardizing - Specification (ISO/DIS 17668:2014) CEN/TC 262 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 11177 Vitreous and porcelain enamels Inside and outside enamelled valves and pressure pipe fittings for untreated and potable water supply Quality requirements and testing (ISO/DIS 11177:2014) CEN/TC 262 2014-12-10 prEN ISO 28721-5 Vitreous and porcelain enamels Glass-lined apparatus for process plants Part Presentation and characterisation of defects (ISO/DIS 28721-5:2014) CEN/TC 262 2014-12-10 prEN 16454 Intelligent transport systems ESafety ECall end end conformance testing CEN/TC 278 2014-11-11 prEN ISO 7198 Cardiovascular implants and extracorporeal systems - Vascular Prostheses Tubular vascular grafts and vascular patches (ISO/DIS 7198:2014) CEN/TC 285 2014-12-03 prEN 16484 Leather Requirements for the determination the origin of leather production CEN/TC 289 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 1101 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Geometrical tolerancing Tolerances form, orientation, location and run-out (ISO/DIS 1011:2014) CEN/TC 290 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 11816-2 Milk and milk products Determination alkaline phosphatase activity Part Fluorometric method for cheese (ISO/DIS 11816-2:2014) CEN/TC 302 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 80079-36 Explosive atmospheres Part 36: Non-electrical equipment for use explosive atmospheres Basic methods and requirements (ISO/DIS 80079-36:2014) CEN/TC 305 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 80079-37 rev Explosive atmospheres Part 37: Non-electrical equipment for use explosive atmospheres Non-electrical type of protection constructional safety ‚c‘, control ignition sources ‚b‘, liquid immersion ‚k‘ (ISO/DIS 80079-37:2014) CEN/TC 305 2014-12-03 prEN ISO 80079-20-2 Explosive atmospheres Material characteristics - Combustible dusts test methods (ISO/DIS 80079-20-2:2014) CEN/TC 305 2015-10-24 prEN 16774 Safety machinery Safety requirements for steel converter and associated equipment CEN/TC 322 2014-12-01 prEN 14175-3 rev Fume cupboards Part Type test methods CEN/TC 332 2014-12-19 EN 15918:2011+A1:2013/prA2 Cycles Cycle trailers Safety requirements and test methods CEN/TC 333 2014-12-10 prEN 16775 Expertise services General requirements for expertise services CEN/TC 405 2014-12-31 prEN ISO 9001 Quality management systems Requirements (ISO/DIS 9001:2014) CEN/SS F20 2014-10-10 prEN ISO 9000 rev Quality management systems Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO/DIS 9000:2014) CEN/SS F20 2014-10-31 prEN ISO 8362-2 Injection containers and accessories Part Closures for injection (ISO/DIS 8362-2:2014) CEN/SS S02 201-12-03 Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing