Kratochvíl r.
.Věstník 8/2014
prEN 13232-6 rev
Railway applications Track Switches and crossings
for Vignole rails Part Fixed common and obtuse crossings CEN/TC 256 2014-05-11
prEN 13232-8 rev
Railway applications Track Switches and crossings
for Vignole rails Part Expansion devices CEN/TC 256 2014-05-11
prEN 13232-7 rev
Railway applications Track Switches and crossings
for Vignole rails Part Crossings with moveable parts CEN/TC 256 2014-05-11
prEN 13232-9 rev
Railway applications Track Switches and crossings
for Vignole rails Part Layouts CEN/TC 256 2014-05-11
prEN ISO 21528-2
Microbiology the food chain Horizontal methods
for the detection and enumeration Enterobacteriaceae -
Part Colony-count method (ISO/DIS 21528-2:2014) CEN/TC 275 2014-07-06
prEN 1473
Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas Design
of onshore installations CEN/TC 282 2014-09-03
prEN 14534
Postal services Quality service Measurement
of the transit time end-to-end services for bulk mail CEN/TC 331 2014-11-09
prEN ISO 17892-3
Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing
of soil Part Determination particle density
(ISO/DIS 17892-3:2014) CEN/TC 341 2014-05-11
prEN ISO 17892-4
Geotechnical investigation and testing Laboratory testing
of soil Part Determination particle size distribution
(ISO/DIS 17892-4:2014) CEN/TC 341 2014-05-11
prEN 16230-2 Leisure karts Part Safety requirements for karting facilities CEN/TC 354 2014-11-26
prEN 16760 Bio-based products Life Cycle Assessment CEN/TC 411 2014-11-18
prEN 16763 Services for fire safety systems and security systems CEN/CLC/TC 2014-11-26
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