.Věstník 5/2014
prEN 13634
Protective footwear for motorcycle riders Requirements and
test methods CEN/TC 161 2014-08-27
prEN 597-1
Furniture Assessment the ignitability mattresses and
upholstered bedbases Part Ignition source smouldering
cigarette CEN/TC 207 2014-08-13
prEN 597-2
Furniture Assessment the ignitability mattresses and
upholstered bed base Part Ignition source: match flame
equivalent CEN/TC 207 2014-08-13
prEN ISO 5361 rev
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Tracheal tubes and
connectors (ISO/DIS 5361:2014) CEN/TC 215 2014-08-27
prEN ISO 5364 rev
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Oropharyngeal
airways (ISO/DIS 5364:2014) CEN/TC 215 2014-08-27
prEN ISO 14408 rev
Tracheal tubes designed for laser surgery Requirements for
marking and accompanying information
(ISO/DIS 14408:2014) CEN/TC 215 2014-08-20
prEN 14885
Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics Application of
European Standards for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics CEN/TC 216 2014-08-27
prEN 1793-5
Road Traffic Noise reducing devices Test method for
determining the acoustic performance Part Intrinsic
characteristics situ values sound reflection under direct
sound field conditions CEN/TC 226 2014-08-20
prEN ISO 16373-1
Textiles Dyestuffs Part General principles testing
coloured textiles for dyestuff identification
(ISO/DIS 16373-1:2014) CEN/TC 248 2014-08-27
prEN ISO 137
Wool Determination fibre diameter Projection
microscope method (ISO/DIS 137:2014) CEN/TC 248 2014-08-20
prEN 16186-3
Railway applications Driver‘s cab Part Design of
displays CEN/TC 256 2014-06-27
prEN 12285-1 rev
Workshop fabricated steel tanks Part Horizontal
cylindrical single skin and double skin tanks for the
underground storage flammable and nonflammable water
polluting liquids CEN/TC 265 2014-08-13
prEN 16723-1
Natural gas and biomethane for use transport and
biomethane for injection the natural gas network Part 1:
Specifications for biomethane for injection the natural gas
network CEN/TC 408 2014-08-27
prEN 16723-2
Natural gas and biomethane for use transport and
biomethane for injection the natural gas network Part 2:
Automotive fuel specifications CEN/TC 408 2014-08-27
prEN 4723
Aerospace series Standardized measurement methods for
comfort and living space criteria for aircraft passenger seats ASD-STAN 2014-08-27
prEN ISO 4499-3
Hardmetals Metallographic determination microstructure -
Part Measurement microstructural features (C, N)
and WC/Cubic Carbide Based Hardmetals
(ISO/DIS 4499-3:2014) CEN/SS M11 2014-08-13
prEN ISO 4499-4
Hardmetals Metallographic determination of
microstructure Part Characterisation Porosity, Carbon
Defects and Eta-phase content (ISO/DIS 4499-4:2014) CEN/SS M11 2014-08-27
prEN ISO 7500-1
Metallic materials Verification static uniaxial testing
machines Part Tension/compression testing machines -
Verification and calibration the force-measuring system
(ISO/DIS 7500-1:2014) ECISS/TC 101 2014-06-06
Ředitel odboru technické normalizace:
Ing. Kratochvíl r