) Determination alveograph properties dough
at constant hydration from commercial test flours and test
milling methodology (ISO/DIS 27971:2014) CEN/TC 338 2014-06-09
prEN 16247-5 Energy audits Part Competence energy auditors CEN/CLC/JWG 2014-06-09
Ředitel odboru technické normalizace:
. Kratochvíl r.Věstník 3/2014
prEN 556-2
Sterilization medical devices Requirements for medical
devices designated ‚‘STERILE‘‘ Part Requirements
for aseptically processed medical devices CEN/TC 204 2014-06-09
prEN 15372 rev
Furniture Strength, durability and safety Requirements for
non-domestic tables CEN/TC 207 2014-06-30
prEN ISO 23747
Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Peak expiratory
flow meters for the assessment pulmonary function in
spontaneously breathing humans (ISO/DIS 23747:2014) CEN/TC 215 2014-06-23
prEN ISO 12947-2
Textiles Determination the abrasion resistance fabrics
by the Martindale method Part Determination specimen
breakdown (ISO/DIS 12947-2:2014) CEN/TC 248 2014-06-09
prEN ISO 4892-1
Plastics Methods exposure laboratory light sources -
Part General guidance (ISO/DIS 4892-1:2014) CEN/TC 249 2014-06-23
prEN ISO 11357-7
Plastics Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Part 7:
Determination crystallization kinetics
(ISO/DIS 11357-7:2014) CEN/TC 249 2014-06-30
prEN ISO 21029-2
Cryogenic vessels Transportable vacuum insulated vessels
of not more than 000 litres volume Part Operational
requirements (ISO/DIS 21029-2:2014) CEN/TC 268 2014-04-23
prEN 12312-12
Aircraft ground support equipment Specific requirements -
Part 12: Potable water service equipment CEN/TC 274 2014-06-30
prEN 12312-13
Aircraft ground support equipment Specific requirements -
Part 13: Lavatory service equipment CEN/TC 274 2014-06-30
prEN ISO 17604
Microbiology food and animal feed Carcass sampling for
microbiological analysis (ISO/DIS 17604:2014) CEN/TC 275 2014-06-16
prEN ISO 19076
Leather Measurement leather surface Using electronic
techniques (ISO/DIS 19076:2014) CEN/TC 289 2014-06-16
prEN 15969-1
Tanks for transport dangerous goods Digital interface for
the data transfer between tank vehicle and with stationary
facilities Part Protocol specification Control, measurement
and event data CEN/TC 296 2014-06-23
prEN ISO 12966-4
Animal and vegetable fats and oils Determination methyl
esters fatty acids Part Capillary gas chromatographic
method (ISO/DIS 12966-4:2014) CEN/TC 307 2014-06-16
prEN ISO 27971
Cereals and cereal products Common wheat (Triticum
aestivum L