ÚNMZ - Věstník 2014-2

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

Strana 41 z 105

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Poznámky redaktora
7 REN/EE-0155 EE 1 Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment; Part 1-3: Classification of environmental conditions; Stationary use weatherprotected locations ETSI 300 019-1-4 V2.1. Kratochvíl r.8 REN/EE-0156 EE 1 Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment; Part 1-4: Classification of environmental conditions; Stationary use non-weatherprotected locations ETSI 300 019-1-2 V2.1.8 REN/EE-0154 EE 1 Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment; Part 1-1: Classification of environmental conditions; Storage ETSI 300 019-1-3 V2.1.Věstník 2/2014 41 Vydání: 20140419 Lhůta připomínek: 2014-04-19 Označení dokumentu Označení položky v plánu ETSI Pracovní skupina (WG) ETSI 300 019-1-1 V2. .3.7 REN/EE-0158 EE 1 Environmental Engineering (EE); Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment; Part 1-2: Classification of environmental conditions; Transportation Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing