ÚNMZ - Věstník 2014-12

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

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Part Enumeration method (ISO/DIS 11290-2:2014) CEN/TC 275 2015-03-30 prEN 16801 Foodstuffs Determination elements and their chemical species Determination methylmercury isotope dilution GC-ICPMS foodstuffs marine origin CEN/TC 275 2015-03-09 prEN 16802 Foodstuffs Determination elements and their chemical species Determination inorganic arsenic foodstuffs of marine and plant origin anion-exchange HPLC-ICP-MS following waterbath extraction CEN/TC 275 2015-03-09 prEN 14595 rev Tanks for transport dangerous goods Service equipment for tanks Pressure and vacuum breather device CEN/TC 296 2015-03-02 prEN ISO 16852:2014 Flame arresters Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO/DIS 16852:2014) CEN/TC 305 2015-03-23 prEN ISO 16634-2 Food products Determination the total nitrogen content by combustion according the Dumas principle and calculation of the crude protein content Part Cereals, pulses and milled cereal products (ISO/DIS 16634-2:2014) CEN/TC 338 2015-03-02 prEN ISO 15009 Soil quality Gas chromatographic determination the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons Purge-and-trap method with thermal desorption (ISO/DIS 15009:2014) CEN/TC 345 2015-03-02 prEN 14716 Stretched ceilings Requirements and test methods CEN/TC 357 2015-03-16 . Part Detection method (ISO/DIS 11290-1:2014) CEN/TC 275 2015-03-30 prEN ISO 11290-2:2014 Microbiology the food chain Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp.Věstník 12/2014 56 prEN ISO 14644-14 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments Part 14: Assessment suitability for use equipment airborne particle concentration (ISO/DIS 14644-14) CEN/TC 243 2015-03-02 prEN ISO 105-G01:2014 Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part G01: Colour fastness to nitrogen oxides CEN/TC 248   prEN 16795 Plastics Method for estimating heat build flat surfaces by simulated solar radiation CEN/TC 249 2015-02-17 prEN 15220 Railway applications Brake indicators CEN/TC 256 2015-03-30 EN 16319:2013/prA1 Fertilizers and liming materials Determination cadmium, chromium, lead and nickel inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) after aqua regia dissolution CEN/TC 260 2015-03-30 prEN 14793 Stationary source emissions Demonstration equivalence of an alternative method with reference method CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN 14789 Stationary source emissions Determination volume concentration oxygen Standard reference method: Paramagnetism CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN 14791 Stationary source emissions Determination mass concentration sulphur oxides Standard reference method CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN 14792 Stationary source emissions Determination mass concentration nitrogen oxides Standard reference method: chemiluminescence CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN 14790 Stationary source emissions Determination the water vapour in ducts Standard reference method CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN 15058 Stationary source emissions Determination the mass concentration carbon monoxide Standard reference method: non-dispersive infrared spectrometry CEN/TC 264 2015-03-30 prEN ISO 18465 Microbiology the food chain Quantitative analysis emetic toxin (cereulide) using LC-MS/MS (ISO/DIS 18465:2014) CEN/TC 275 2015-03-09 prEN ISO 11290-1:2014 Microbiology the food chain Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria spp