ÚNMZ - Věstník 2013-9

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

Strana 79 z 160

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Poznámky redaktora
EN 60968:2013/FprAA:2013 Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services Safety requirements 2013-11-01 IEC 34A Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing. FprEN 60754-1:2013 Test gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables Part Determination of the halogen acid gas content 2013-12-20 IEC 20 FprEN 60754-2:2013 Test gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables Part Determination of acidity (by measurement) and conductivity 2013-12-20 IEC 20 W16 LAMPAND LUMINAIRES.Věstník 9/2013 79 W03 ELECTRIC TRACTION EQUIPMENT. prEN 50617-1:2013 Railways applications Basic parameters of train detection systems Part Track circuits 2013-12-13 CLC/SC 9XA prEN 50617-2:2013 Railways applications Basic parameters of train detection systems Part Axle counters 2013-12-13 CLC/SC 9XA W08 ELECTRIC CABLES. Kratochvíl r.