ÚNMZ - Věstník 2013-8

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: ÚNMZ

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 8/2013 48 prEN 13108-8 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part 8: Reclaimed asphalt CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-5 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part Stone Mastic Asphalt CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-6 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part Mastic Asphalt CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-2 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part Very Thin Layer Asphalt Concrete (BBTM) CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-7 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part Porous Asphalt CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-3 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part Soft Asphalt CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-21 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part 21: Factory Production Control CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 prEN 13108-20 Bituminous mixtures Material specifications Part 20: Type Testing CEN/TC 227 2013-10-30 EN ISO 5349-2:2001/prA1 Mechanical vibration Measurement and evaluation human exposure hand-transmitted vibration Part Practical guidance for measurement the workplace (ISO 5349-2:2001/DAM 1:2013) CEN/TC 231 2013-10-09 prEN 12186 Gas infrastructure Gas pressure regulating stations for transmission and distribution Functional requirements CEN/TC 234 2013-10-09 prEN 15566 Railway applications Railway rolling stock Draw gear and screw coupling CEN/TC 256 2013-10-02 prEN 15551 Railway applications Railway rolling stock Buffers CEN/TC 256 2013-10-02 prEN ISO 24534-3 rev Intelligent transport systems Automatic vehicle and equipment identification Electronic registration identification (ERI) for vehicles Part Vehicle data (ISO/DIS 24534-3:2013) CEN/TC 278 2013-10-02 prEN 12699 Execution special geotechnical work Displacement piles CEN/TC 288 2013-10-09 prEN 14199 Execution special geotechnical work Micropiles CEN/TC 288 2013-10-16 prEN ISO 14931 rev Leather Guide the selection leather for apparel (excluding furs) (ISO/DIS 14931:2013) CEN/TC 289 2013-10-16 prEN 12309-2 Gas-fired sorption appliances for heating and/or cooling with a net heat input not exceeding Part Safety CEN/TC 299 2013-10-02 prEN 12975-1 Thermal solar systems and components Solar collectors - Part General requirements CEN/TC 312 2013-07-09 prEN ISO 4375 rev Hydrometric determinations Cableway systems for stream gauging (ISO/DIS 4375:2013) CEN/TC 318 2013-10-09 prEN ISO 16558-1 Soil quality Risk based petroleum hydrocarbons Part 1: Determination aliphatic and aromatic fractions volatile petroleum hydrocarbons using gas chromatography (static headspace method) (ISO/DIS 16558-1:2013) CEN/TC 345 2013-10-30 prEN ISO 16558-2 Soil quality Risk-based petroleum hydrocarbons Part 2: Determination aliphatic and aromatic fractions of semi-volatile petroleum hydrocarbons using gas chromatography with flame ionisation detection (GC/FID) (ISO/DIS 16558-2:2013) CEN/TC 345 2013-10-30 prEN 15603 Energy performance buildings Overarching standard EPBD CEN/TC 371 2013-10-02 prEN ISO 7500-1 Metallic materials Verification static uniaxial testing machines Part Tension/compression testing machines - Verification and calibration the force-measuring system (ISO/DIS 7500-1:2013) ECISS/TC 101 2013-10-09 Ředitel odboru technické normalizace: Ing. Kratochvíl r.