ÚNMZ: Správnou praxí k účinnějšímu dozoru nad trhem

| Kategorie: Sborník  | Tento dokument chci!

Doufám, že se tato publikace1 stane inspirací pro všechny ty, kteří se podílejí na zajišťování bezpečnosti výrobků určených pro spotřebitele, ať už se jedná o orgány veřejné správy, regulační orgány nebo obchodníky. Pouze posílením naší spolupráce a zvýšením našeho zapojení můžeme zajistit bezpečnost výrobků uváděných na světové trhy a ochranu zdraví a bezpečnosti evropských spotřebitelů.

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví Autor: Úrad pro normalizaci a měření

Strana 198 z 283

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Poznámky redaktora
. Furthermore, information about the results will prove valuable for other Member States in their analysis and planning upcoming activities. int cross-border tivities perationbetweentheMem- tends beyond exchange of t takes the shape joint activities. However, all kinds of solutions are possible de- n the interests the partici- ment the Member States y depending upon the level on. strates generic model a ) market surveillance action essary coordination activi- et surveillance actions can by combining elements from cording the ambitions of nts. This information valuable because it may describe good best practice that other Member States can learn from. Obviously, number of nts need participate fully, the activities including the but the same time other es could play role without hemselves full participa- Project plan setup Selecting producers and samples Sampling Testing Risk assessment Follow-up with producer Measures Communication Reporting Steps market surveillance action Coordination activities Drafting project plan Drafting application for joint action Facilitate common understanding between participants Sampling criteria Coordination sampling plans Coordination sampling Overview samples Coordination tests Joint testing Exchange test results Exchange assessments Common risk assessments Facilitate common understanding between participants Make results‘transparent’ Coordination EU-wide follow-up Facilitate common understanding between participants Coordination Exchange best practices Collecting results and reporting to the Commission Figure 26: Outline Cross-Border Market Surveillance Action.sborníky technické harmonizace 2010 198 Obrázek 26: Přehled přeshraniční činnosti dozoru nad trhem 87 ecific cases, products actions. The cooperation any different appearances. nes number potential peration ranging from ex- formation joint action. Reports from finalised market surveillance actions, studies etc. developed under the EMARS project in- nowledge base that focuses sharing of produced the project participants and es and the Rapid Advice Forum that aims at pid informal advice issues raised mar- ance officers. o describes the coordination ciated with each level the ble gives outline some bilities