Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce |
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Tato práce zkoumá vhodnost a požadavky návrhu simulací pro simulátor NS-3 pro případ bezdrátových sítí používaných v měřící infrastruktuře společnosti Kamstrup. V práci jepopsán simulátor NS-3 a je vytvořena základní implementace dvou protokolů. WirelessM-Bus jako příklad jednosměrného protokolu pro zařízení napájené z baterií. Simulace Wireless M-Bus je porovnána s daty naměřenými v reálném systému. NS-3 poskytuje flexibilní prostředí pro vývoj simulací různých síťových protokolů, včetně těch určených pro sítě inteligentních měřidel.
It based C++ and OTcl.
The network structure defined using special language called NED, while the
library itself based C++. also includes graphical interface
integrated with Eclipse.
A.3 NS-3
The first release NS-3 was made 2008.
A.4 WSNet
WSNet project specialized for large scale wireless networks [12]. The networks
are defined XML files, while the modules are defined C.OTHER SIMULATORS
There are several simulation tools available, with different features, licenses and
target uses.
NS-3 written C++ and has Python bindings allow writing simple
scripts Python well. Several network simulators were considered: Omnet++, NS-2 and NS-
3, WSNet and Contiki/Cooja.1 Omnet++
Omnet++ modular network simulator with wide range modules with differ-
ent features, including wireless sensor networks.
Even though NS-3 does not support many protocols NS-2 does, there is
already work progress implement 6LoWPAN and RPL [10], which are suitable
for mesh networks. completely new simulator, trying
to overcome the problems NS-2, especially the complicated use two languages,
some bad design decisions [11] and the emergence several incompatible forked
versions it.2 NS-2
NS-2 used very popular network simulator, with several projects expanding
it for more specific tasks.
While still being maintained, not under very active development, because
of its successor, NS-3