Kategorie: Diplomové, bakalářské práce |
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Tato práce zkoumá vhodnost a požadavky návrhu simulací pro simulátor NS-3 pro případ bezdrátových sítí používaných v měřící infrastruktuře společnosti Kamstrup. V práci jepopsán simulátor NS-3 a je vytvořena základní implementace dvou protokolů. WirelessM-Bus jako příklad jednosměrného protokolu pro zařízení napájené z baterií. Simulace Wireless M-Bus je porovnána s daty naměřenými v reálném systému. NS-3 poskytuje flexibilní prostředí pro vývoj simulací různých síťových protokolů, včetně těch určených pro sítě inteligentních měřidel.
1 Geographical Data
A geographical dataset with the positions the meters and repeaters and concen-
trators KML format was available.
The realism the frame reception could improved using probabilistic
model for dropping packets instead the thresholding approach, e.
The SINR calculated ratio the received desired signal power and the
sum all the other signals the given receiver and the configurable noise floor, in
linear values.
Additionally, was necessary convert the geographical coordinates (longitude
and latitude) Cartesian coordinates that could used the simulator and in
the propagation models general.2)
for the power linear values the desired signal Prx,desired and all the other
signals the given device Prx,other.
3. The description mapping the geographical
coordinates Cartesian coordinates the Appendix D. The latter has indication success/failure that signals
packet drop the MAC layer.3.
After pairing the measurements with the geographical data, was possible to
export the nodes’ distances and angles respect the concentrators and their
.2 Measured Values
Measurements from the concentrators were available set SQLite databases.the packet being decoded, also SwMac::ReceivePacket and SwMac::Receive-
PacketDone are called.3.
Among other information, they contained hourly values of: mean received signal
per given node, the variance that value and number successfully decoded
SINRdB log10
N Prx,other
, (3. Library libkml [7] was used load the data.3 Deployment Data
The tools for loading the data are described Appendix B. subclassing
the NS-3 class ErrorModel and defining packet error probability function of
The implementation the Simple Wireless module checked the SINR only the
end the reception, so, terms Figure 3.5, would have missed the contribution
of Packet was shorter and ended before Packet 1.g.