SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 735 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Consumption Colour Item no. Toroid transformer Arte 300 230V/12V 300VA 16,0 9,5 chrome LI167032 Toroid transformer Arte 300 230V/12V 300VA 16,0 9,5 silver-grey LI167039 300 VAL 130° C 3,5 IP67 TRANSFORMER 10VA/12V~ Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Item no. IP67 Transformer 10VA 230V/12V 10VA 5,5 8,0 5,0 LI451010 Accessories/ Included: Mains plug: IP-shaped [incl.Consumption secured Colour Item no. Manta 200 230V/12V 200VA 20A 20,0 8,0 2,75 chrome LI455202 Manta 200 230V/12V 200VA 20A 20,0 8,0 2,75 silver-greyManta 200 230V/12V 200VA 20A 20,0 8,0 2,75 silver-grey LI455209 Manta 300 230V/12V 300VA 15A 20,0 9,0 3,9 chrome LI455302 Manta 300 230V/12V 300VA 15A 20,0 9,0 3,9 silver-greyManta 300 230V/12V 300VA 15A 20,0 9,0 3,9 silver-grey LI455309 300 VAL 200 VA TRANSFORMER 105VA, 210VA Voltage Height Weight Description AC/AC Consumption Colour Item no. Please pay attention the manufacturer’s notes. When being dimmed, low operating sound may audible.Consumption Item no. IP44 Transformer 150VA 230V/12V 150VA 8,0 11,0 7,5 LI227150 Accessories/ Included: Mains plug: IP-shaped [incl.] Primary connection line secondary connection line.Consumption Item no.Consumption Colour Item no.735ACCESSORIES Conventional transformers should used capacity The transformers displayed here are dimmed with leading-edge phase dimmers.Consumption Item no. IP44 Transformer 60VA 230V/12V 60VA 6,0 10,0 6,3 LI227160 Accessories/ Included: Mains plug: IP-shaped [incl.] Primary connection line secondary connection line m 0,6 10 VA IP67 IP44 TRANSFORMER 60VA/12V~ Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Item no.] Primary connection line secondary connection line m 1,3 60 VA IP44 133°C IP44 TRANSFORMER 150VA/12V~ 3,5 150 VA IP44 133°C 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ 12~ 230~ L 12~ 230~ L L 12~ 230~ Voltage Length Width HeightVoltage Length Width Height Description AC/AC Consumption Item no. Toroid transformer 100VA 230V/12V 105VA 12,5 9,5 1,7 chrome LI138812 Toroid transformer 200VA 230V/12V 210VA 13,5 11,5 2,7 chrome LI138822 200 VAL 100 VA 115° C ARTE 300 Voltage Height Description AC/AC Consumption Colour Item no. CONVENTIONAL TRANSFORMER MANTA 200, 300 Voltage Secondary Height WeightVoltage Secondary Height Weight Description AC/AC Consumption secured Colour Item no